HCA 13/68 f.194v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 194 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/11/09 |
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The first of december 1653:- [CENTRE HEADING]
The keepers of the Libertie et cetera and of William}
Melvill and others against the shipp the Supply}
Henry Oakes Commander against Mr Batson and}
others. Budd Suckley/}
Examined upon the Allegation on the behalfe of the
Keepers et cetera:-/
Budd dt./
Henry Oake of the parishe of Stepney in the
County of Middlesex Mariner aged 30 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined saith as
followeth videlicet:/
To the first article hee saith and deposeth, That in or about the 20th or
21th of September last past, the dammage allegate sustayned by the
shipp the Abraham arlate, of which James Leshly then was Master, happened
to the said shipp the Abraham then lyeing in the river of Thames by meanes
of her bilging upon a lost anchor then being neare unto the said shipp which
hee knoweth for that this deponent being Master of the shipp the Supply arlate
which at the time of the accident aforesaid lay in the river of Thames
in or about the middle of the Channell, and comeing the next morning
after the said accident aboard this deponents ship the Supply, found the
said shipp the Abraham suncke by the occasion aforesaid. And otherwise
saving his foregoeing depositions hee cannot depose:-/
To the 2. 3. and 4th articles hee saith and deposeth, That the next morning
after the dammage aforesaid happened the allate James Leshly Master
of the said Vessell the Abraham mett with this deponent in Mr [?John]
Yarwoods yard at Shadwell, and then and there the said Leshly declared to
this deponent that hee was undone, and this deponent asking him how, hee replyed
that his said shipp the Abraham was bilged upon an Anchor belonging to
a fire shipp lyeing neare to his said shipp, and that by occasion thereof his
said shipp was sunke, and that most of the goods laden therein were spoyled and dammaged
And further saith that the said Leshly then declared to this deponent that
hee the said Leshly was then goeing to procure an arrest to be made upon the
said fireshipp, and because hee had so mett with this deponent hee desired
to be informed who were the Owners of the said fire shipp whereupon this
deponent iformed the said Leshly that one Mr Cattlyne was one
of the Owners of the sayd fireshipp, or words to the effect aforesaid, att
which the said Leshly departed from this deponent and told him hee would [?goe ?to]
teh said Mr Catline and speake with him about the accident or damage
sustained as aforesaid, and accordingly this deponent the same day saw the
said Leshly in Companie and discourse with the said Catline And
further saith, That upon the 24th of the said moneth of
September the arlate Walter fflint one of the parties in this Cause
and the said James Leshly and another who pretended to have an interest
in the shipp the Abraham aforesaid came to this deponents lodging at
New Gravell Lane in the parish of Stepney, and told this deponent that
the dammage sustained by the said shipp the Abraham [?XXXX]