HCA 13/68 f.192v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.192v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 30th of November. 1653:

The Clayme of John Scrother for seaven and}
fortie butts of sacke in the shipp the black Cock}
John ffranson Haen Master Bud, Francklyn}

Examined upon the Allegation on the
behalf of the sayd Claymer:-


Jacob Wigandi of Hambrorough Merchant
aged 25. yeares or thereabouts sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth

To the first second and third articles of the said Allegation hee saith and
deposeth. That in or about the moneth of October 1652. last
the allegate John Scrother caused to be laden aboard the shipp the
black Cock, (John ffranson Haen Master) then lyeing at or neare
Lucars in Spaine seaven and forty butts of sherrie sack marked
with the marke in the margent to be transported in the said ship[?p]


to Amsterdam, and there to be delivered to Joachim Verpoorten ffactor [?or]
Correspondent to the said John Scrother for his the said John Scrother
the producents accompt and risque; And saith That for the reason[?s GUTTER]
subsequent hee well knoweth, That the said John Scrother was
and is and ought to bee the true and lawfull Owner of the said
seaven and fortie butts of sack, so laden and putt on board as aforesaid
Which said butts of sacke were bought and provided by the said John
Scrother with his owne moines goods or effects, And that the said John
ffranson ha[?e]n Master of the said shipp the black Cock at or about the
time of the lading of the said 47. butts of sack aboard the said shipp
did signe three bills of lading of one tenor for the receipt and [XXX]
of the same for the accompt aforesaid, Which hee knoweth for hee
this deponent being ffactor to the widdow and heires of hans [?Lemmerman]
of hamburgh, (whose factors and Correspondent the said John Scrother
and being here in London in or about the moneth of November: 165[?2]
last past received the said Producents letter inclosed in a letter [?from]
the said Lemmermanns. and importing that the said Producent intended
to lade a certaine quantity of butts of sack for his owne accompt
aboard the said shipp to be transported and delivered as aforesaid
And for that this deponent after the seizure of the said shipp received
a letter of advise together with two bills of lading was [XXXXX]
goods of the said Lemmermans laden on board the said shipp for [XXX]
accompt, and the other for the 47. butts of wyne predeposed
, laden aboard the said shipp as aforesaid
, And for that this deponent was