HCA 13/68 f.186r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.186r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


possession of the said shipp, and as Master and Proprietor of her fitt
and sett her out, and conduct her to Sea, And saith That
by common report at Hamburgh aforesaid this deponent hath Credibly heard
and understood that the said Master had bought the said shipp at
Tunning in the Dukedome of Holsteyn of one Carsten Pau[?ll], whom
this deponent for about 4. yeares before the sale of the said shipp, knew to
be Master of the same. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. and 15 articles and schedules annexed hee
saith hee knoweth nothing thereof, And saving his foregoing depositions
hee cannot further or otherwise depose./


Hinrick van [?XXXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Allegation./



William Oldison of Hamborough Mariner
aged 42. yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined

To the 1. 2. 3. and 4:th articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
That hee this deponent hath well knowen the arlate Michael Joachinson
a Burgher and inhabitant of Hamborough and a Subject of that State
for about 7. yeares last past; Amd saith that about two yeares since
it being published at the Exchange of Hamborough, That the shipp the
redd Lyon arlate then lay at or near Tuning in the Dukedom of
Holsteyn, to be sold, the said Michael Jochinson went to Tuning
expressely to buy the same and shortly after conducted and brought her
from thence to Hamborough, where this deponent saw him in the quiet
and peaceable possession of her, and as Master and Proprietor of her
the said producent hath since made severall voyages with the said shipp
from the said Port of Hamborough to which place in reality and
trueth shee hath belonged ever since shee was bought at Tunning
and brought from thence by the said Master, And so much hee
saith is publique and notorious amongst Shipowners and Burghers
of Hamborough aforesaid. Which hee deposeth being himselfe a
Hamburgher and a Master of a shipp belonging to the said Port and
by reason of his familiarity with the said Master well acquainted with
all and singular the premiises, And otherwise cannot depose, saving
That about the beginning of October last past the said shipp as
fitted to sea by the said Master at the proper charges of this deponents
certaine knowledge, hee being present and severall times in Companie
with the said Master at Hamborough during the time of the said shipps
equipping for the voyage now in question:/: