HCA 13/68 f.184v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 184 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/09/20 |
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Companie, and all of them Hamburghers or Easterlings, and came first aboard
her at Hamburgh, And otherwise negatively.
To the tenth hee saith hee this deponent hath 9 pipes of wine, and his Stiersman
8 pipes of wine aboard and others of his Companie some other small parcells of
goods for which there were no bills of lading aboard, And otherwise saving
his foregoing depostions hee cannot depose:-/
The 17:th day of November 1653:- [CENTRE HEADING]
The Keepers of the Libertie of England et cetera against the}
shipp the Saint Mary whereof Peter van Dunhem}
was Master- Budd}
Examined upon Interrogatories on the behalfe of the
Peter van Dunhem of Hamborough
Master of the said shipp the Saint Mary aged
43. yeares or thereabouts sworne in Court and
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, hee thsi deponent was Master of and aboard
the shipp the Saint Mary interrate at the time of her late seizure and [?had]
soe beene for about 8. or 9. yeares last past, and is a Native of Hamborough
and a Subject of that free State, and hath kept his wife and family there
for above ten yeares last past, and to this present,/:-
To the second hee saith, The said shipp the Saint Mary at the time of her seizure
was bound Directly for Hamborough, from whence shee began her outwards
Voyage in the moneth of July 1652. last past to Archangell in
Muscovie, being taken to fraight at Hamborough by Arnold Belties and
Philip Verpoorten Burghers and Merchants of Hamborough, according
to Charter party made between the said Merchants and the Owners of the said
shipp, and was at Archangel aforesaid to take in a lading of [?Caveare]
and Russia leather to be transported from thence to Ligorne, for the [accompt
of the two Merchants aforesaid, where this deponent according to their order
delivered part of the said lading, and with the rest sailed to Venice [?and]
there delivered the same for the accompt aforesaid. And otherwise cannot [?depose]
To the third hee saith, the said shipp went onely in her ballast from
Hamborough to Archangell aforesaid, where shee tooke in her lading [?as]
aforesaid, and delivered the greatest part of the same at Ligorne to one Joseph Hermann [?an]
Merchant according to the order and direction of the Merchants predeposed [?and]
the rest of the said lading this deponent delivered to Seignor Spinetti and
brethren at Venice for the accompt and by order of the said Arnold [?Belties]
and Philip Verpoorten, and saith the said shipp since her departure from
Hamborough hath onely been at Archangell Cadiz Ligorne and Venice