HCA 13/68 f.183v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.183v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 10.th hee saith hee is a dunquirker borne and dwelleth there and is a [?subiect]
to the King of Spaine, and saith the said Peter Roberts Master of the
shipp is and hath for severall yeares, of this deponents knowledge beene a Burgher
of Ostend, and there inhabitant./.

To the 11.th hee hath not so deposed./

To the 12:th negatively:-

To the 13:th hee knoweth nothing thereof.

To the 14:th hee hath not so deposed./

To the 15:th hee cannot depose:/

the marke of
Adrian [MARKE] Revelle.

Repeated before the Judges in Court/


The 17:th day of November .1653:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

The Keepers of the Libertie of England et cetera against}
the shipp the Golden [?Mill], (John Hey Master}
and against the goods in the same. Budd}

Examined upon Interrogatories on the behalfe of the [?claymers]


John Hey of Hamborough Mariner Master of the
said shipp the Goulden Mill aged 38. yeares or
thereabouts sworne in Court and examined./

To the first hee saith hee this deponent was Master of and aboard the said shipp
the Goulden Mill at the time of her late seizure by a ffrigatt of the
Commonwealth, and had so been for a yeare last past, and hath lived at
and hath alwaies been a Subject to that State of Hamborough from his infancy, where hee now keepeth his family; and is [?XXX]

To the second hee saith, That the shipp the Golden Mill interrogated at the
time of her seizure was bound directly for Hamborough, and began her
outwards voyage from Hamburgh in the moneth of July last past
where shee was fraighted upon Charter partie by Jerome Snitcher and
Daniel Brandts Merchants and Burghers of Hamborough. And
otherwise cannot depose, saving his following depositions./:-

To the third hee saith, That the said shipp in her outwards Voyage was
laden with pipestaves and piece goods laden by the said ffraighters for their
owne accompt, and some part thereof for Everard Anckerman, Harman
Rensel, and other Merchants of Hamburgh whose names this deponent cannot
at present well remember, and were consigned to be delivered at Mallaga
to Simon Milfort, Gisbert van Susteren and Companie, John [?PXXX]
and Christopher Borsell all of them factors to the said Hamburgher
Merchants And saith the said shipp hath been at no other Port but [?Malaga]
since shee came last from Hamburgh, till the time shee was seized and
brought up to Plimmouth. And further cannot depose:/

(To the 4:th