HCA 13/68 f.176v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.176v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and that he this deponent (nor his Purser nor any other [?XXXX]
behalfe so farr as he this deponent knoweth beleiveth or hath heard did not signe any other bills of lading of any
tenor for the sayd goods or any part or parcell thereof, [?And]
the sayd bills of lading nor any or eyther of them was or is [?false]
fraudulent or any wise colourable, but they all are reall and
true and so had and done according to the contents thereof
before the departure of the sayd shipp from Rohan all which
this deponent knoweth being privy to the signing and firming
of all the sayd bills of lading and acquainted with the contents
thereof by his Interpreter att Roane understanding and speaking the dutch and [?french ?tongues] and having signed and firmed many of them with
his owne handwritinge. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the .1. he saith he hath 1/8 part and 1/16 part in the sayd shipp
and hath goods aboard for his owne Reckoning and of his foresaid owners in [?Common ?XX]
videlicet eighteen tonnes of vinegar, five hundred Reames of
paper and 2 Caskes of earthen ware; which he hopes will be
restored: And otherwise cannot depose./

To the .2. negatively.

To the 3. he saith that he this Rendent did underwrite or firme
some of the sayd bills of lading but not all; and those which
this deponent did so firme he firmed after the goods there[?in]
mentioned were laden and receyved aboard./

To the .4/ he saith that the principall of his outward lading
was woolls copper wire Copper sugar and leather but he remembreth
not the names of all the merchants that laded the same [?XXX]
he saith that the heyres of Joast Overbock did lade aboard a
good quantity of wooll and wire, and the heyres of Peter
Overbock severall parcells of woolls, and John [?Santinell]
severall quantityes of Copper, and this deponent did lade for
his owne Accompt some deale boards. And saith the whole [?Cargo]
of the outward lading was for the sole Accompt of Hamburgers
and this Rendent did receyve for the freight thereof of and
from the respective factors att Rohan to whom the goods were
consigned two thousand four hundred livres french [?accompt]
20 four to a livre, or thereabouts, and this Rendent left the
bills of lading for the severall parcells with the sayd factors [?XXX]
and saith hee had an entry of the sayd outward lading in a [?Roll]
which after the goods delivered and freight payd for the same
being then of lesse use was neglected and lost. And further
cannot depose.

To the .6. he saith he hath lived in Hamburgh 33 yeares or
thereabouts, and his dwelling howse is in the Keyrweden
and saith the names of the owners of the sayd goods their [?dwellings]
aged and Complexions so farr forth as this Rendent att present remembreth
are as followeth. videlicet ffrancis Wallich of Greene street Hamburgh