HCA 13/68 f.162v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.162v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 22th of October. 1653:-

The clayme of the King of Poland for all and)
singular the goods lately seized in the shipp the George)
John Pieterson Griepe Master except sixtie Cases of)
Glasse and five Tonns of Vinegar belonging to the)
said Master and Companie Suckley Smith)

Examined upon an Allegation on the
behalf of His Majestie the King of
Poland and upon the schedule annexed to the


George Dattivors of Roane in ffrance
ffactor of the King and Queene of Poland
aged 30. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne
and examined saith as followeth Videlicet:

That in or about the moneth of August last oast this deponent as ffactor
and Agent for the King and Queene of Poland (and by their order [?imparted]
to this deponent by Mr [?Crooso?XX] receiver of the sayd Queenes revenue in ffrance and Madam des Esarts persons of
great quality at Paris) freighted the said shipp the Saint George at Dieppe in
ffrance for the transpoting of some Religious persons ffryers and Nunns
and their Attendants from thence to Dantzick, And this deponent at or about the
time aforesaid caused to be laden and putt aboard the said shipp the George
all and singular the goods mentioned and particularized in the schedule annexed
to the said Allegation now read over to this examinate, and compared and agreeing with
another of the same contents written in the ffrench tongue, which said schedule
containeth and expresseth the whole lading of the said shipp, (except a certaine
quantity of glasses and Vinegar belonging to the Master and mariners of the
said shipp and a case of fine earthen ware all which said goods menconed in the said schedule were for the use
of the said Religious persons and their attendants, and for their Vestments religious
habits and ornaments for their Religious house in Poland, and were for the
proper accompts of the said King and Queene of Poland and their domestiques
And saith that no subjects of the King of ffrance or States of the United Provinces
had or have any interest in any part or parcell of the said foods schedulate,
which hee knoweth being as aforesaid ffactor to and for the said King and Queen
and in their name and on their behalfe haveing expressely laden all such singular
goods as aforesaid, And further saith That the said shipp is a Hamburger shipp
and for such and as a free shipp expressely freighted by this deponent and the
Master thereof is an Hamburgher, And the said King and Queen of Poland
and all the persons interessed in the goods schedulate, were and are persons in
amity with this Commonwealth, And beleeveth that the said persons now seized being
religious persons are and ought by the Law of Nations to be priviledged and not
searched molested or interrupted in their travailes, yet the said religious persons
as is notorious, have been very uncivilly treated by the seizors as this deponent
hath Credibly understood, as also that the said seizors did take away all the
said shipps provisions amounting to the valew of about 200: li sterling which this
deponent had also caused to be Laden aboard the said shipp for the said voyage, and
sevall goods trunks and ?males from the passengers of very great valew. The
premisses hee deposeth being as a foresaid factor to the said King and Queene, and by
them expressely imployed for the hireing lading fitting and furnishing of the
said shipp and the goods schedulate upon their accompt: And otherwise cannot depose

To the Interrogatories