HCA 13/68 f.145v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.145v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 27th of September 1653.

Examined upon the sayd allegation.


Robert Swanley of Hackney in the County of
Middlesex Mariner late Captaine or Commander of the
sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure, aged eight and
thirty yeares or thereabouts, a witnes sworne
and examined deposeth and saith as followeth videlicet

To the first Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in the
monethes of december January ffebruary and March 1652 and in
March Aprill May and June 1653 last past thesayd shipp the Harry
Bonadventure was imployed to sea in the immediat service of this Commonwealth
under the Command of him this deponent with a lawfull Commission and
Instructions to surprize and take as a Man of Warr all ffrench shipps
and dutch shippes belonging to any port or places of the united Provinces
and all other shipps belonging to any the knowne Enemies of this Commonwealth
And the sayd shipp did proceed accordingly under the Command of this
deponent upon the sayd expedition. And otherwise he cannot depose

To the second article of the sayd allegation, This deponent saith that on or about
the nyneteenth day of May 1653, The sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure
by Letter from Mr Longland Agent for this Commonwealth at Leghorne sett
sayle from Messina towards Tunnis and in her course thither upon [?or ?about]
the 22th day of Mary 1653 off of the Cape Spertevento mett with two dutch
shipps, which assaulted the Harry Bonadventure, and made 2 or three
shotts at her. Whereupon this deponent and his Company in persuance of
the aforesayd Commission and Instructions, fought with the saud two dutch
shipps and after three or four howres subdued and tooke the stronger
of the sayd dutch shipps named the Saint Peter whereof Claes Symondson
Cohone was Commander, which sayd Claes Symondson was slayne in the
sayd fight, and the Company of the Saint Peter or greatest part of them
taken in the Harry Bonadventure, by meanes whereof This deponent
and his Company became absolute Masters and Possessors of the sayd shipp
the Saint Peter and her Lading/ And otherwise cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith That the arlate shipp
the Saint Peter was of the burthen of betwixt 4 and 5 hundred tonnes and
had 24 gunnes about 24 lb weight a peice one with another and had
in her 35 barrells of powder and was well fitted with Anchors Cable
and other tackle and with armes and munition requisit and was [?furnished]
and richly laden in her diverse sorts of goods, and saith according to
the bills of lading found aboard the sayd shipp and perused by this deponent
there was Laden aboard the sayd shipp two Chests of quicksylver [?XXX]
of [?Rice], 8 or 9 hundred baggs of Anniseeds fennell seeds and [?Cummin seeds]
about 100 tonnes of Currants, about 1600 weight of ffustick, and [?XX]
butts of Almonds, and allso severall Chests of drinking glasses and
lookeing glasses, and a large Chest of balsome beades, and a [?XX]
of silke and other goods, And this deponent saith that accordingly [?the]
quantityes of goods in the sayd bills of lading mentioned and entred in the
sayd Cargazon of goods were well worth the summe of fifty [?XX]