HCA 13/68 f.13v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.13v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


but did noe execution upon the Golden Starr so farr as this deponent [?XX]
howbeit he saith the Captaine and Company of the sayd Godlen Starr
ymediately [?pownd] a whole broad side into and upon the Advantage
whereby two of her Company were mortally wounded and after dyed
upon this a sharpe fight began broadside to broadside till after
12 of the Clock in and during which fight a Red flagg of [?defiance]
was hanged and putt out upon the mainmast toppp of the sayd Golden
Starr which being upon the English Coast and in presence of an English
frigott was an unusuall insolence against the Commonwealth, and saith
that the sayd shipp Golden Starr fought with the Advantage frigot for
three or four howres upon the English Coast in an hostile way and
used her utmost endeavour to sinke and destroy the Advantage, the premisses
this deponent knoweth to be true being present and aboard the Advantage
in the sayd fight and seeing and observing the severall passages
so had and done as he hath now declared. And further hee cannot

To the nynth and tenth articles of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that in the afternoon
of the same day some English shipps wearing the Colors of this
Commonwealth came in to the assistance of the Advantage, and the arlate
shipp the Waterhound commanded by Captaine Shelley came upp with
the Golden Starr and having made one broad side ymmediately boarded
her, and the Golden Starr even upon the boarding fired some gunns
upon the Waterhound, and saith the foresayd Red flagg or flagg
of defiance continued still upp upon the mainmast head of the Golden
Starr and was not taken downe till after boarding as aforesaid when it
was taken downe by one of the Waterhounds Companie, which he
knoweth being present and seeing and well observing the premisses
And otherwise cannot depose saving that the sayd Master or Captaine
and Company of the Golden Starr might well see and perseyve
that the said shipp the Waterhound and other shipps wearing the
English Colors as aforesaid did belong to this Commonwealth and were
in the immediat service thereof.

To the 11th. and 12th articles he saith he cannot depose

To the last he saith his depositions are true.

To the Crosse Interrogatories.

To the 1. 2. 3. 4. he saith there was not any shipp knowne by the name
of the Adventure engaged or any way concerned in this busines
And saith he was masters mate of the Advantage frigot interrate
and was present att the taking of the 'Golden Starr, and for and
during all the chase, tyme of haling and fight, and knoweth that
the sayd Advantage frigot first chased haled and fought with
the sayd Golden Starr in manner aforesayd. and further cannot depose

To the 5. he saith he knoweth both the sayd shipps the Advantage and
Waterhound and saith they are dutch built shipps both of them, and
so were the tyme of the taking the sayd shipp Morning Starr
or Golden Starr
