HCA 13/68 f.138r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 138 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 03/08/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_115_06_9832.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/08/03 |
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Spaniard to provide some necessaries a shoare att Messina, which sayd Merrick
and sayd Spanish Corporall were by the Governor of Messina without any iust
cause that this deponent over heard detayned and kept in prison in Messina
for severall dayes during which their imprisonment this deponent did visit
them and saw them in hold, and knoweth that they came not aboard againe
till after the sayd shipps were putt out from Messina. And further
cannot depose.
To the ninth he saith that Captaine Swanley did hire at Messina before he
went first from thence videlicet before the taking of the Saint Peter, a ffelenca
with 7 or eight men to serve and attend the sayd shipp of warr, and saith
that after his returne into Messina with the Saint Peter the sayd ffelenca was
seized and detayned, and the men belonging to the same were kept and deteyned
by the sayd Governor, whereby the sayd Captaine Swanley was deprived of
meanes to gaine Intelligence. the premisses this deponent knoweth for
the reasons aforesayd. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the 10. 11. and 12th. he saith that the sayd Captaine Swanley on or about the
12:th day of June 1653 last past sett sayle with his sayd two shipps from
Messina and sayling along the Coasts of Scicily for Tunis the wind being
Crosse after 12 or 13 dayes sayleing espyed .7. dutch men of warr lyeing
under the Isles of Trapany which is a place subiect to the King of Spayne
and gott as neere the Castle of Trapany with both the sayd shipp as hee
durst for running them aground. which this deponent being then present
saw and observed. and otherwise cannot depose.
To the .13. and 14.th he saith that after the arrivall of the Harry Bonadventure
att Trapanie and salutation given to the place, and notice being taken by the
sayd Towne and the Governor thereof that the sayd Harry Bonadventure
was a Mann of Warr of this Commonwealth, ?hee the sayd Governor sent
Capt Swanley word that he and his shipps should be protected, and that
the sayd Dutch shipps commended by Young Van Trump should not affront
or dammage the English in that port, And the Messenger that brought
the sayd message to Captaine Swanley went immediately to the sayd Trump who
was then makeing in for the sayd port, pretending he so went to hinder
the further approach of the sayd Dutch ffleet of 7. sayle of shipps aforesayd,
and withall telling the sayd Captaine Swanley and Companie that they might
att noe hand presume to make any shott there for that they were and should
be safe. But the premisses Notwithstanding the sayd dutch shipps soone after
the arrivall of the sayd messenger from the Governor att them entred the
moule or port and made up to the sayd Harry Bonadventure and Saint Peter
and there seized and tooke both the sayd shipps and
their lading, by meanes whereof the sayd Van Trump and Companie of the
sayd dutch shipps became possessed of the sayd harry Bonadventure
and Saint Peter lyeing under the ffort of Trapany as aforesd this
deponent being then present and taken prisoner aboard the Harry
Bonadventure in his owne quarter. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the fifteenth he saith there were some shott about the same tyme made
from the fforts of Trapanie, but whether any execution were thereby done
upon the dutch men, or their shipps or noe this deponent knoweth
not and otherwise cannot depose.