HCA 13/68 f.119r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.119r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


who is Owner of 3/8 parts more of the said shipp, and this
deponent of the rest, and saith hee hath bin credibly informed that the
said shipp was built at Straelsund aforesaid, and not in any Port or
place in Holland or Zealand. And further hee cannot depose./

To teh second Interrogatorie hee saith, hee this deponent being at Straelsond
aforesaid in or about the moneth of August last past received a letter
from the said Albert Schalt, wherein he signified to this deponent that
Wilkin Wrede aforesaid had paid unto him 1500. rixdollers for his and his partners said
3/8 parts, and that this deponents wife had paid unto him in the behalfe of
this deponent 1000. rixdollers for his 2/8 parts of the said shipp, And
otherwise referring himselfe to his foregoing deposition hee saith hee cannot depose.

To the third hee saith hee is a Native of Steenen Caspell about 4 dutch
miles from Hamburgh, and liveth at Hamburgh, And saith his said
shipps Companie were all Easterlings of Lubeck or Pomeren or thereabouts
And that hee this deponent for 13. yeares last past hath been and now is
a Burgher and Subject of the free state of Hamborough. And otherwise
hee cannot depose:-

To the fourth hee saith the Owners aforesaid have lived at Hamburgh for
all their time, this deponent excepted, who hath lived there onely 13. yeares
as aforesaid. And otherwise negatively.

To the fifth. hee saith his sayd shipps ladeing consisteth in clapwood laden
at Riga in Lieffland by Wilkin Wrede junior a Merchant living at Riga about the beginning of September last to be brought to
Bordeaux in ffrance for the accompt of the said Wilkin Wrede and Peter
Alde, and about 1200. lb weight of flax, and three tunnes of Tallow for the
accompt of this Deponent and his said shipps Companie, and seaven hundred and
twentie peeces of Clapwood for their accompt And further hee cannot

To the 6th hee saith, That hee this deponent signed three bills of ladeing of one tenor at
Rigat aforesaid for the Clapwood belonging to the said Merchants of Hamborough
one whereof this deponent delivered together with all his shipps writings to
Captaine Welch who seized the said shipp, and the other the bills of lading
this deponent left in the hands of the said Wilkin Wrede junior at Riga aforesaid
And otherwise negatively:-/

To the 7:th hee saithg hee hath been severall times at severakk Ports in
ffrance and Holland, but hath not bin in either of those lands for about
two yeares last past, And saith the Clapwood aforesaid was consigned to
one Corneluis Luieman at Bordeaux for the behoofe of the aforesaid Owners
thereof, but saith he Doeth not personally now, nor ever saw the said
Corneluis Luideman that hee remembreth, And otherwise cannot depose./

To the 8.th Interrogatorie hee saith, That the said shipp was by the Owners ordered
to saile from Straelsond aforesaid under this deponents conduct to
Riga, and from thence to Bourdeaux, if the River there were free from the
ffrench shipps of warr, or otherwise to Rochell, and there to expect further
orders from his said Owners by whom hee was ordered to end his said Voyage
at Hamburgh, but saith hee made no agreement for wages, but expected his payment
out of the said shipps ffraight at his returne to Hamburgh And otherwise
cannot depose./

To the 9th hee saith, hee had one Hamborough Colour aboard him when