HCA 13/68 f.117v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.117v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


at Swinsound in Norway in Aprill 1652 and hath belonged to her
ever since And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose./

To the 2. hee saith hee hath knowne the arlate Christian Marckusson for
these seaven or eight yeares last past and saith that hee
is an Inhabitant of Swinsound in Norway and there hath kept his wife and family
during this deponents knowledge of him and is a subiect of the Kinge of Denmarke
and beleeveth hee was borne his Subiect And further hee cannot depose.

To the third hee saith the Hector Interrate was built at Swinsounnd
aforesaid about nine yeares since of this deponents sight and knowledge by the appointment and
direction of the Interrogated Christian Marckasson who this deponent beleeveth
defrayed the Costs of building thereof and otherwise aving his foregoing
deposition hee cannot depose./

To the 4th Interrogatory hee saith that the shipp Interrate was built at Swinsound
about 9 yeares since by one Gerd Peterson and the sayd Christian Marckusson did cause the same
to be built and was commonly reputed the sole Owner thereof, but hee this deponent
knoweth not what hee payd for the same nor to whome nor was present at
the payement of any money for her And further saving his foregoeing depo=
sitions hee cannot depose./

To the 5th hee saith that hee knoweth not nor hath heard of any other
that contributed to the setting forth of the ship the Hector to sea the voyage
Interrogated saving the Interrogated Christian Marckusson nor hath heard or knoweth
that within the tyme Interrogated hee did sett or convey over any part thereof to
any person whatsoever And further hee cannot depose./

To the 6th hee saith that hee was onboard the Hector Interrogated at the tyme
Interrogated and that the dutch man of war Interrogated was a Caper or private
man of war and that it was not in the power of the Master and company of the
Hector to avoide being taken by the sayd Dutch man of war and further
to this Interrogatorysaving his foregoeing depositions to which hee referreth hee
cannot depose./

To the 7th hee saith that the shipp 'Hector was not condemed for prize
in any Admiralty Court of Holland that hee knoweth of, neither was
the Master and Company ever turned out of possession by him the sayd Caper but saith the sayd Christian
Marckusson as is predeposed did agree with the sayd Caper at the Vlge
aforesaid before her goeing to Harlingen aforesaid but upon what terms
or what hee paid him hee knoweth not nor hath heard and further
hee cannot depose saving his foregoeing depositions to which hee referreth.

To the 8th Interrogatory hee saith that the winde was North West when the hector
was seized by the dutch man of warr Interrate And saith that hee knoweth
the Riff and that it is on the Coast of Norway, and East from hull Interrate as
hee taketh it and further hee cannot depose./

To the 9th hee saith that there were about five thousand deales on board the
Hector Interrate when shee came to Harlingen aforesayd but the value
of them hee cannot depose not knoweth what they were sold for nor knoweth of
any other ladeing on board her at the tyme of her seizure by the sayd
Holland man of warr And further hee cannot depose/

To the 10th Interrogatory he saith hee knoweth not how much a hundred [?Dollers]