HCA 13/67 f.22r Special Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/67 |
Folio | 22 |
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Uploaded image; Transcribed 28/12/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_1468.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Oliver Tanner | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/28 |
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Marine Lives Tools
To the 17 and eighteenth Intorries he knowith nothing thereof more than he
hath predeposed
To the 19th Interry he auswiarith[] That the goods an merchandies predeposed were laden aboard
the Shipps afforesaid whilst they lay in the Bay of Cadiz were Command of the ffort and had
[?] for the same but what is accompt[?] of them he
knoweth not but believeth that they remayne[?] in the custody of the offices of the Custome
[of (sic)?] Cadis and further cannot say
To the 20th he sayith That he was not present att this ferming of the bills of Lading:-
[?] of[?] no[?] therefore cannot say any thing thereabouts
To the 2i Intarry he sayith That he referreth himself to his former depositions and
further cannot say
To the last he cannot say [?] any thing thereabouts of his owne knowledge but believeth
the Bills of Lading [?] were brought to England by the producent himself.
Rogez[?] Kilueith[?]
Guilleimo[?] [?]
Tho: Williams
17th of March 1652 uppon the allegation on the bihalf of
the claymes
The Clayme of John Baptista Sabino for sixe Potaccious of Tobaccho lading }
on board the Shipp the Sampson whereof Octavia George is master[?] And for }
nine[?] Potacchous of Tobaccho laden aboard the shipp the Salvador whereof }
Christian Cloppenburgh is master[?] seized[?] by some of the [?] shipps }
[?] [?]
Mannuall [?]
of [?] in the West India
merchant aged 34 years or
thereabouts a wither[?] [?]
and examined in this cays[?} deposith as
To the first and second articles of the said [?] and to the twoe bills of ladings therein
mentioned and purused by him this deponent att the time of his examination he sayith and deposeth
That he this deponent was present in Cadiz arlate in the month of October last past att
which time This deponent sawe the producent John Baptista Sabrino lade aboard the
shipp the Sampson arlate whereof Octobia George is one master[?] [?] Potacceaus of Tobacceo
and likewise aboard the Shipp the Steward arlate wereof Christian
Cloppenburgh is [?] nine[?] potacchoes of Tobacchous [?] marked with the marke
in the margent All [?] goods he Sayith were soe lade for the accompt and adventuer
of the said producent and were to be transported from Cadiz aforesaid to Oastend arlate
to the said producent or his assigned All which he knoweth for that he this deponent came
[?] with the said procusent after hee had bought the said Tobacho and [?] to
[?] in the West India and from there went in the shipp the Rosta Signroa
del Rosario to Cadiz at which port the said Tobaceo was [?] out of the said
Shipp the nostra Seigniora and putt on board the Sampson and Salvador arlate bouned
for oastend as afforesaid [?] [?] fort he this deponent
had coasigned goods of his owne and came himself in the Salvador in to [?} with the said producent
whoe[?] was in the Sampson arlate And [?] to have delivered [?] goods out oastend
[?] if they had not beene stayed[?] and interupted by a shipp of the [?] [?]
were Comanaded[?] the said Salvador and Sampson into the [?] from where they
were seine and brought into the [?} of Thomas and at [?] detayned And
further cannot say saving That he was present att the homes of the [?] [?]