HCA 13/67 f.201r Silver IMG 117 07 1808 Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/67 |
Folio | 201 |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_1808.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/05/25 |
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To the nynth he saith that he was borne and now liveth att Hamburgh And
saith he hath noe part or share in the sayd shipp or any part thereof, nor any Interest
in the same by property or ensurance. And saith It will be noe benefitt to him
this Rendent if the same be restored. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the tenth he saith he cannot depose.
Jan Mart[?en]dorp [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before Doctor Exton:-/
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd Allegation.
Rp 3
Otto George of Lubeck Mariner aged nyne
and thirty yeares or thereabouts a witnesse
sworne and examined.
To the first Article of trhe sayd Allegation hee saith and deposeth that he knoweth
the arlate shipp the Salvadore, and the Owners thereof, the names of whom
and their particular share in the sayd shipp are as followeth. videlicet the arlate
Daniel Brandts, Jerome Sniter, Jerom Peterson, John Baptista Yonker
Girald Boremaster, Hennrick Hambroch, and Vincent Clingbroch
all natives and Inhabitants of Hamborough have bene from the first
building of the sayd shipp (which he saith is about five yeares as is arlate)
Owners and Proprietors every of them severally and respectively of one
eighth part of the sayd shipp her tackle apparrell and furniture and so commonly accounted. And Dirrick Roepke and
Christian Cloppenburgh both of them Natives and Inhabitants of
Hamburgh have bene for the sayd tyme arlate Owners each of them severally
and respectively of one sixteenth part of the sayd shipp her tackle apparrell
and furniture and so commonly accompted reputed and taken; The premisses
this deponent knoweth being a sea faring man, and often trading and
being att Hamburgh where he saw the shipp arlate a building for the use
of teh sayd Owners, and hath from tyme to tyme observed that the sayd
Christian Cloppenburgh hath bene and att present is Master of her in their
names and on their behalfe. And further he cannot depose, saving that the
sayd parties are now and for the tyme arlate have constantly bene
Owners of the sayd shipp her tackle apparell and furniture as is arlate
and so commonly Accounted.
To the second he saith that he this deponent being att Hamburgh in the yeare
1647 then and there saw the sayd shipp Salvadore a building and observed
that she was built by the directions, att the Charges and for the sole use
and Accompt of the Owners aforesayd. And saith that noe subiect of the
States of the United Provinces, or of the ffrench King arlate had or
hath any share property or Interest in the sayd shipp or any part thereof
that ever this deponent heard of or beleiveth. And otherwise he cannot
To the third he saith and deposeth that the aforesayd Owners of the shipp
Salvador were and are Natives of Hamburgh and Subiects of that
State and as and for such commonly accounted reputed and taken, And saith
that for theis tenn yeares and upwards of this deponents knowledge they
have bene and att present are Inhabitants of Hamburgh and so accounted
Heinrick Hambrock onely excepted who as this deponent taketh it about
three yeares agoe returned to Hamburgh from Saint Lucars in Spaine where
he had lived about six or seven yeares. And he beleiveth that the sayd
shipp hath bene during the tyme arlate sett out from tyme to tyme att the
Charge and for the Accompt of the sayd Owners as is arlate And otherwise
he cannot depose saveing that the aforesayd Owners have their howses
and families in Hamburgh aforesayd as is arlate
To the