HCA 13/65 f.49v Annotate

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P1170473 & IMG_2827 (Image not found)


others experienced in shipping to bee very much beaten
bruised and damnified thereby and a great part of
her keele was thereby taken [XXX] and broken off, And saith
that in severall parts and places of her the said ship by
reason of the premisses was soe damnified and preiudiced
and did stand in such and soe great need of sundrie
provisions and reparations and materialls as that without
amendment thereof and furnishing therewith shee was
not able to goe againe to sea which the said producent
perceaving and knoweing formerly had knowledge of and
Correspondencey with the said Hayward and some others of
the said ships owners and out of love to his Native Country
and that the said ship might not lye there and rott he did
(for the necessary reparation and setting forth of the same
hence for England for the Advantage of her owners) Expend
and disburse very many and severall such summes of
money as in the schedule annexed and by him perused is
conteyned. Every of which said Sommes this deponent is verily
perswaded in conscience were really and in truth soe laid out
by the said Farrington for and about the reparation and setting
forth of the said ship. Imediatly after shee was soe gott
off the said Rocks and then pr[XXXXd] her defects and needs of
reparattions and provisions to bee as is predeposed and sawe and was
present when the said George ffarington did lay out and disburse
materialls for the end and purpose predeposed And further
hee cannot depose.

To the 5th article of the said Libell hee saith and
deposeth that ymediatly after the said producent had
soe fitted repaired and amended the said ship
the Arke out of his love and respect to his Country=
men the owners thereof and for theire proffitt and advantahe
hee did procure a freight for her from Zante to
Bristoll at which Port shee safely arrived and there
discharged the same for the which the owners thereof as
this deponent beleiveth did receave the ffreight for [?this]
But how much the same did particulerly amount into hee
knoweth not The premisses hee deposeth because hee this
deponent came with the said ship the ffreindship hence for
England in company with the said ship the Arke. And
further hee cannot depose
