HCA 13/65 f.42v Annotate

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in ffrance to donla[?u] arlate wher hee saith the said shipp tooke in
her ladeing of Corne as aforesaid for the proper Accompt [XX] the sa[?me]
producent by the said Basseroda [?and] such as her orders to doe the same
which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent did speake with the said Bass[?orada]
who tould him that the said Corne was laden for the Accompt of the said
producent and further refering himself to his [?former] depositions he saith
hee cannot depose./

To the 5th article hee saith that the said Basserada and Coppins were and
are dutchmen, and were the ffactors or Agents of the said producent
for the ladeing of the said Corne And further hee knoweth not

To the 6th article hee saith and deposeth that upon or about the last day of
June last past the same shipp the Winter king did sett sale with the said
wheate and Rye from [X]oulan being bound directly for fflushing and in
her Course thetherwards nere the Ile of wight the said shipp and ladeing
were taken and seised by the arlate Captaine Hurley in the shipp the Constant
and brought into Portsmouth where hee saith the Master thereof was imprisoned
for 8 dayes together, and the said shipp detained to the greate detriment
and damage of the producent, and the bill of ladeing and all writeings touching
the same were all seised and taken awau by the said Hurley, in whose hands
hee saith for ought hee knoweth they doe still remaine, And further
hee cannot depose

To the 7th hee saith that the said Corneluis Johnson the Master
of the said shipp upon his being brought to Portsmouth was putt
into a house as a Close Prisoner and contynued so eight dayes together
being not suffered to have pen Inke or paper to write to the said producent
or his Agents in which time hee saith the said Corne was unladen
out of the said shipp,
And now hee
saith the said Master is come upp to London to make his claime for the said
Shipp and goods on the behalf of the said Producent And further hee
cannot depose./

To the last hee saith that his depositions aforesaid were and are true./

To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith that hee and the shipps Company are part
Owners of some of the Corne and lading interrogated with the [XXXXXXan] thereof
and that if the said Corne bee condemned as Prize it will
bee a losse and damage to him And otherwise hee cannot answare/

To the 2d hee saith hee saith hee hath knowne the producent ever since hee came
on board the said shipp which hath bin about 14 or 15 weekes, and is a
dutchman borne and a short [XXke] man aged about 24 yeares, and saith hee
doth live in fflushing And further hee knoweth not./

To the third hee saith that when the said shipp sailed from fflushing she
was laden with hides {INK BLOT} wooll, hopps, some for the Accompt of
the said Producent, and some for other Merchants Accompts whome hee knoweth [?not GUTTER]
because the said shipp was so laden before this deponent came on bord her
att fflushing where she was laden. and saith that shee was dischardged att Saint
Mallow and there delivered her lading to severall Marchants whose names hee knoweth not
And further hee cannot depose/

To the 4th he saith hee can write and reade but not very perfectly and
understandeth noe language but the dutch saveinge a very little of Englishe and
he[?e GUTTER]