HCA 13/65 f.25r Annotate

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To the 3d hee saith, that after the said shipp departed with her ladeing from
London, upon her intended voyage for dublin, was upon the 8th day of June last past
nere the Pointe off Saint Albans by the Ile of Wight assaulted surprized and
taken by Captaine John Skinner Comander of the Elizabeth ffrigott being a Jersey
man of warr, which carryed the said Shipp and her ladeing and all her Company
into the said Iland of jersey and so the said shipp and lading was and att this present is
utterly lost unto the Owners and ffreighters thereof Fiven his reasons of his
knowledge herein, in the premis{e}s to which hee referr{e}th himself and otherwise
hee saith hee cannot depose.

To the 4th hee saith that all and singualr the goods wares and Merchandizes which
were laden aboard the said shipp att London for the Accompt of the said producent
George Clarke, were in and remaineing aboard her att the time of her seisure and
surprizall as aforesaid, and were carryed into the Ile of Jersey, and there were
disposed of with the rest of the said Shipps ladeing for the use of George Cartwright
Governor of the said Iland, And hee saith that the lading and Goods which were
in the said shipp were housed the next day after shee was brought to Jersey att
the new Castle there, and that hee last saw the said Shipp the Garland upon or about
the 20th day of the said month of June lying under the said Castle and there this deponent left her and all the said
Goods (haveing libertie to come from thence upon paroll) ffor all which hee saith that
the said producent nor any other of the owners of the said Shipps ladeing have had
any recompence or satisfaction for theire losses, that hee knoweth or hath ere heard of
And otherwise referring himself to his foregoeing depositions gee saith hee cannot depose

Repeated before doctor Exton.

Alexander&58;&58; Robinson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


17th of July 1651.

Affidavit Conniers.}


Ralfe Coniers of kingsale in Ireland Marchant aged 29
yeares or thereabouts, sworne before the right Worshipfull
William Stephens doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the
high Court of the Admiralti[?a] saith and deposeth
by vertue of his oath.

That hee this deponent hath disbursed for the State and really paid the summe of thirtie
six pounds eight shillings and tenne pence for charges in and about 45 baffs and
p[?a]ckets of wooll, which came to this port of London from kingsale in Ireland
in the shipp the John and William, Thomas Maide master, The particulars
and truth of which accompt are as followeth videlicet

ffor Custome at kingsale for the whole being [?custome]}
at 4d per stone} £16 - 13 - 4

ffor porterage and lighterage of the said wool at kingsale} £1 - 1 - 6

ffor the freight after 20s per tonne} £16 - 0 - 0

ffor Canvas, packthredd needles and mending} £1 - 18 - 0

ffor primarge and averidge} £0 - 16 - 0

Summa £36 - 8 - 10

Ralph: Conyers./ [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]