HCA 13/65 f.1r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/65 |
Folio | 1 |
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IMAGE: IMG_2729.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/07/05 |
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7th July 1651
Sir Jacob Garrett knight, concerneing}
an barrell of Indico in the shipp}
the Harry Bonadventure etcetera}
Upon the allegation first given in on
the behalfe of the said Sir Jacob Garrett./
Rp. ius
William Hudson of Brixworth in the County
of Northampton Gentleman, aged 21 yeares or thereabouts
a witnesse sworne and examined deposeth as followeth.
To the first second and third articles of the said Allegation
he saith and deposeth that in the yeare 1648, or beginning
of the yeare 1649 there were sent unto Lighorne by the producent
Sir Jacob Garrett or his Agents and ffactors certaine barrells of
Indico(and as he beleeveth and now remembreth were 27 in number), which were by letters and bills of ladeing Consigned unto the arlate
John ffarire fax and Company to bee by them sould and disposed of according
to the order and direction of the said producent, and for his owne proper
use and Accompt, being att that time reputed and taken to bee the true and lawfull
Owner and Proprietor of the said Indico, which said barrell [XXX] (att the time of the unlading
and delivery thereof unto the said ffaire fax or his Agents) marked as
in the Margent of the third article of the said Allegation is expressed which did
att the said Port of Ligorne safely arrive within the time predeposed All
which hee knoweth to bee true because hee was then servant unto the said
ffaire fax and resident att Legorne and saw the letters and bills of ladeing aforesaid, and the said barrells
when they came to Ligorne But in respect hee hath not the books or papers
with him of those transactions, hee cannot set downe the time more preceisely
nor the number of the said Barrells then as [XXX XXXX] or in what shipps the said Indico came and
was transported, And otherwise hee saith hee cannot depose./
To the 4th article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth that upon the arrivall
of the said barrells of Indico att Ligorne, they were safely delivered to the
said John ffarefax and Company out of the Shipps which did so bring the same
for the said Sir Jacob Garretts Accompt And otherwise referring himself to
his former deposition hee saith hee cannot further depose, saveing hee was then servant
or Agent for the said ffaire fax as aforesaid/
To the fifth hee saith and deposeth that hee being att Ligorne and servant to
the said ffairefax as before is deposed did see one bill of ladeing for the said
Indico (whereunto John W[XX]herley hath firmed) of the same Tenor
and effect as that now shewed unto him, att the time of his Examination with which
hee saith hee very well remembreth was filled upp with the same handwriting
[?as] this now by him fully vewed and perused is, And marked in the Margent
as there[?in] is expressed, and all things were had written and done (the number
expressed whereof hee saith hee never tooke much notice) as in the same is conteyned
And otherwise hee saith hee cannot depose./
To the 6th and 7th articles of the said Allegation he saith he cannot depose
for that he this deponent was in the Moneth of Aprill 1650 sent by the said ffairefax
into other Countreys about his imployment/
Sir Jacob Garrett
Primary sources
C 6/135/59 Short title: Ducey v Garrett. Plaintiffs: Sir Richard Ducey baronet. Defendants: Sir Jacob Garrett, Hugh Ducey, John Ducey, Isaac Leigh and William Leigh. Subject: property in King's Stanley, Gloucestershire. Document type: bill, answer. 1658