HCA 13/63 f.6r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.6r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Ad secund rendest That he is a Stranger to the parties in this cause but
sayeth this cause concernes the wellfare of Seamen and marriners
and if the merchants pay marriners after the rate they goe about
to pay the producent and his Company it will be a way to disheraten and
discharge all Sea men Et alr nescit

Ad 3um Interrogatoria rendest That Dollers att Mallega att the tyme predeposed went
after the rate of eight ryalls per doller being four shillings [?ptXX] money Et
quoad resiquud Interrogatoria nescit alr quad Supra deposuit

Ad 4um arlum rendest That when hee this rendest received his wages as is
predeposed the same was payed unto him freely and without ant constraint
quoad reliqu[?XX] nescit Saving that att the Ports where the rendest
touched as afforesaid in his Voyage predeposed hee saw divers English Shipps
but theire names or the names of the particular masters thereof hee cannot now [?XXX]
Et alr nescit

John Williams []SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]



Nicholaus Bray de Plymouth in Comitati Devon
Nauta ubi mora fecit per [?11] annos [?XXXXX] aut circiter aetatis
24 annorum aut circiter testis in hac causa productus et iuratus
deponit ut sequitur./

Ad sexta et septium arlos dicte allegationis deponit et dicit That he this
deponent went one of the Shipp Lewes her Com[any from Smyrna in
Turkey about three yeares sithence in which Shipp this deponent first went
to Leghorne where this deponent received a monethes pay in dollers after the rate of fower
shillings and sixe pence per doller and from Leghorne hee sayeth the
said Shipp went to Genora att or neere which Port this deponent
received foure monethes pay more in dollers after the rate of foure shillinges
and sixe pece per doller sterling money and sayeth That dureing the Shipp the Lewes
her stay at Genora the Shipp the Martha arlate whereof Captaine [?Whitly] was Master came from new dound land
laden with ffish which shee unladed there and from Genora this deponent went
to Cadiz where hee this deponent received tenne monethes pay more for [?XXX] [?XXXX]
which was likewise payed him in dollers after the rate of foure shillings
and sixe pence per doller: And sayeth That in the said shipps
voyage from Cadize to Genoa backe againe she went to Allicant and Carthagena
in the Streights and from thence to Leghorne againe neere which
Port the said Shipps Company received sixe moneths pay more in dollers
after the rate of 4 shillings [?XXXX] per doller from whence the same Shipp went to Tunnis
where the said Shipp the Martha arlate came in and mett her againe Att all which severall