HCA 13/63 f.61v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.61v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Barbados and to the Carribbean and Leward Islands
and soe back againe to the port of Southampton
according to the contents of a pollicy made for that
purpose bearing date the XXX day of May 1649. And
saith that hee this deponent did arrive att the Barbado's
which his said ship at upon the fourth day of July last
past, and departed thence upon the [10]th day of
October last past being bound for Southampton. And
further to this interrogatorie he cannot depose.

To the second, hee saith and deposeth that the said
shipp the providence did discharge her ontoward bound
adventure att the Island of the Barbado's which she
transported thither for the Accompt of the said Mr James
Chungion Anthonio [Eneoist] Mr Christopher [Poure] and
him this deponent, And did as hee saith take in the
proceed thereof there in a XXX XXX 32. Tonnes
of Sugar. 300 Rolls of tobaccoe, one Tonne of
Ginger and 100 weight of cotten together with severall other
merchandise and goods all which were laden and receieved aboard
the said shippe to be therein transported for Southampton
for the Accompt of the said Mr Chingion and the XXX of
the parties predisposed which hee knoweth hee this deponent
being Master and Commander of the said ship and one for
whose Accompt the said goods and merchandise were plenty laden
and was present and saw the delivery out and takeing in the
said [Cargaroone?] of goods both outward and homeward bound
And further hee cannot depose.

To the third interrogatories hee deposeth that the foure
mencioned Mr Chungion Mr [Eneoist] and hee
this deponent were the true and lawfull proprietors of
the said shipp the providence and of the Tackle apparell
and furniture at the tyme of the last goeing out. And
the said Mr [Poure] hee saith had a quarter XXX adventure in
her ladeing both outward and homewards bound. And further
deposeth that Mr Chungion was owner of one halfe and
the said Mr XXX and this deponent each of them of
one quarter of the said shippe. And further hee cannot

To the last interogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the
said ship the providence in persurance of her said voyage
from the Barbado's homewards bound off the Lizard
or Lands End of England about 16. leagues distance was
upon the 18th day of December last
mett XXX assaluted and surprized by an Irishe
man of warne together with her lading aboard her
under the command of one Michaell Carey of Waterford
in Ireland and by him (after about foure houres fight
[maintiy? used) arryved into Dunkuirke and there become
utterly lost into the owners thereof and hee knoweth
hee this deponent being as aforesaid XXX and XXX owner