HCA 13/63 f.447r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.447r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




30th Octobris 1650.

Arlabeer et aly con Jauncey et al.}

Super allegatione predra examinatus.



Phillipus davies de Limehouse in Comitatu
Middlesex Naupegus, aetatis 30 annorum aut
eo circiter testis productus.

...the time the shipp the Jonathan
and Abigail came and arrived at Virginia the voyage in question
hee this deponent came abord her being hired into her as a Carpenter
by Robart Payn her commannder and William Steevens and then shee was in repairing
and cawking, there being then three Carpenters at worke upon her
in such repairing and cawking besides two that belonged unto her
before and at the time of such his this deponents coming aboard
her, and saith that of his knowledge the said Page was forced to
goe and did goe to other shipps that were there to speke for and
procure materialls and necessaries for the said repaires, which repaires
consisted cheifly in cawking. Et alr nescit salvis subscripte.

Ad 16 arlum deponit that the said shipp the JOnathan and Abigail
was in repairing as aforesaid at Virginia about a moneth after hee
this deponent came as aforesaid to worke aboard her, besides the time
that the other five carpenters had wrought upon her before such his
comming into her, whereas had the said shipp bin staunch and sufficient