HCA 13/63 f.411v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.411v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Deceimo quarto Octobris 1650./

Super lilo in hac causa dat examinatus.
Coachman Jermey et Busfeild}
con Bellamy et Page}
Yeo. Smith.}

dt Yeo


Johannes Bushfeild parochia Sancta Magraeta Westminster
Civis et Mercator London aetatis 40 annorum
eo circiter testis productus et iuratis. [?XX]


moneth of July last past being present at two or three meetings
the one being at the Sunne Taverne upon ffishstreet hill London
there att which place the said Page mett the parties agent in this suite
and there declared himselfe to bee Master and part owner of the said
shipp the Samuell and that hee had power from the rest of his fellowe
owners thereas to lett the same to ffreight unto the said Coachman Jeremy
and Busfeild for and upon the voyage in this cause controverted
The second meeting hee saith at which hee was likewise present was att the
signe of the Peacock a Tavern in Thames street at which tyme and place
both the said Page and Bellamy and all the parties agent in this cause together
with his contest John Whitman were, when and where the said Page and
Bellamy did againe assert and affirme themselves to bee parte Owners
of the said ship the Samuell. Et alr salvis infra scriptis nescit deponere.

Ad 2 et 3um arlos dei [?ult] deponit et dicit that within the tyme lilate and
more especially in the moneth of July last past the said Edward Bellamy
and Christopher Page did lett out the said ship the Samuell unto the arlate
John Coachman George Jenney and George Busfeild for a voyage to bee made
therewith from this Port of London to Some Ports in Spaine or Portugall
and soe from thence into the Downes and soe for London or Holland and back againe
hither as the said freighters should themself sett to order the same according
to the contents of a charter partie which was made for the sayd voyage betwixt
the sayd parties respectively and which the said Bellamy and Page then promised
to seale and [?confirme] to which this deponent referreth himselfe. And saith
that at the said tyme