HCA 13/63 f.403v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.403v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Ult Septembris 1650

Christianus Warmer of Lubeck Mariner Stiersman of the shipp
the Saint Matthias of Lubeck, aged 33 yeares or thereabouts, sworne
and examined as aforesaid saith as followeth, videlicet.


To the second hee saith that the said shipp is newe, and was built in winter last
by Peter Meyer, John Cratts, the Heer Matthias Rodd, Hendrick B[?XXX]
abd his precontest William Loweman the Skipper the oweners thereof
and that this is her first voyage.

To the third hee saith that the said shipp was bound for Cales on
a merchandising voyage when shee was seized, laden with beames
plankes, pipe staves, flax and some other things


To the fourth hee saith that the said shipp is of the burthen of 250
lasts or thereabouts, and for her provisions had aboard her 36 peeces or ordnance
great and small

To the 18th hee saith that there were 46 persons of the company of
the Saint Matthias aforesaid, about tenn whereof were boyes and youthes