HCA 13/63 f.400r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.400r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



To the 18th hee saith that there were 47 persons of the company of the
said shipp the Saint Matthias and noe more, whereof there were 9
or tenn boyes, alr nescit.


To the 22th hee saith that all the common men and mariners of the
said shipp were hired and shipped at Lubeck as aforesaid, and it
was by the master told this deponent at the time of his hiring the
designe of his said voyage as aforesaid and not otherwise, and hee
beleeveth the rest were told the same, and saith that hee was hired
to goe the said voyage to Cadiz and back againe to Lubeck 30. Rex
dollars and the proffit of nine tonnes of salt, the said proffit being worth about five
shillings sterling per tonne, and in case the Skipper comming to Cadiz
should thinke fitt to goe for Ligorne or into the Streights for any other
port hee was to give him soe much more as they should agree at Cadiz, for per moneth, and saith hee
was hired to serve only in a marchants voyage or imployment, and
soe hee beleeveth were the rest of the said shipps company, alr
nescit salvis predeports.

To the 23um nescit.
To the 24th hee saith that the two shipps the Saint Matthias aforesaid and
the Tobias were in company together when they were seized and were
both bound for Cadiz, whether they intended to goe together, Et
alr nescit salvis predeports.






Hendrick Ridder of Lubeck Saylor aged 23 yeers
or thereabouts, sworne and examined as aforesaid
saith as followeth videlicet.

To the first Interrogatory hee saith and deposeth that hee was one of the
company of the shipp the Saint Mathias' interogated when shee came from Lubeck
and when she was seized neere Marget by the Parliaments shipps, videlicet
hee was the Purser or clerke of the said shipp,
