HCA 13/63 f.398v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.398v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


26th Septembris 1650. [CENTRE HEADING]

[?Promane] the Saint Matthias de Lubeck.}

Rowe dt.


Hance Dubb of the citie of Lubeck Saylor
aged 24 yeares or thereabouts sworne before
the right Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of lawes one
of the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie
and examined upon certaine Interrogatories saith as
followeth, videlicet.

To the first Interrogatory hee saith that hee was at the time of the
seizure of the shipp the Saint Matthias interrogated, one of her company, videlicet
a common man in her, and noe officer, and saith shee was seized by
Captaine Penn neere the foreland, and that Captaine keiser was
then in company of the saidd Penn in another of the Parliaments vessels,
which hee knoweth because hee was then and there present in the said shipp
the Saint Matthias.

To the second hee saith that the said shipp the Saint Matthias is a newe
shipp and first built in Winter last at Lubeck, this deponent
seeing her there in building and when shee was finished, and saith the
Skipper of her William Loeman and company were
and are the owners of her and caused her to be built, and saith the
said Loeman is a Lubecker and soe (as hee hath heward) are the rest of
the owners, but who the rest of the owners are hee knoweth not, and
alsoe saith that this is the first voyage that ever shee went out upon.

To the third hee deposeth that the said shipp was this present voyage
bound for Cadiz in Spaine and was thither going when shee
was staid as aforesaid only [?when] she came into the downes for water and necessaries, and saith shee was laden with timber beames
and plankes, and with her ballast of stones, and nothing els that
hee knoweth of, saving a quantitie of flax, but howe many
beames or planckes, or what quantitie of flax or stones shee had
on board, hee saith hee knoweth not; and giveth for reason that
shee was bound for Cadiz, because hee saith hee was by the said
Skipper hired to serve in her thither and home againe, unlessse
hee should thinke fitt to goe into the straights, and then this deponent
was to proceede thither wuth him alsoe.

To the fourth hee deposeth that the said shipp had aboard her
when shee was soe staid 36 peeces of ordnance, pikes, muskets
shott and powder but howe much or many hee knoweth not, all which
were her provisions, and besides theise peeces of ordnance, shee
had foure in hold that were not of her provisions, alr nescit.

Ad 5 negative salvis predepoita.

To the 6th hee deposeth that the said shipp was upon a merrchants
and not a warlike voyage, which hee knoweth because hee was hired as
aforesaid into a merchandizing imployment, and was never told by the
master of any warlike designe, which hee beleeveth hee should have
bin in case shee shipp had bin intended for it.

To the seventh hee deposeth that hee knoweth not of any Commission
cocket, passeport or writing whatsoever on board the said shipp et alr
negative et nescit.

To the eighth hee saith that the said Skipper William Loeman was
(as hee this deponent was informed and beleeveth) merchant and isposer
of the said shipps ladinge, alr nescit.