HCA 13/63 f.390r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.390r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




29th Augusti 1650. [CENTRE HEADING]

Ex parte Beniamin Morewood administraroris}
[?tenorum]Gilberti Morewood Mercator defuncti}
quoad navam the Eagle de [?Gypt?XXX] et cetera.}

William Startute of the parish of Saint
Dunstan in the East Merchant sworne
the day aforesaid, and examined upon Interrogatories
ministred on the behalfe of the said Beniamin
Morewood, saith by verture of his oath as
followeth videlicet.

To the first Interrogatory hee saith and deposeth that hee this examinate
tendred to the interrogated Mr Giilbert Morewood (since deceased) the
pollicie of Assurance mentioned in the said interrogatorie, dated the 15th of
December 1648, drawne up in the name of the interrogated John Plover of
Ipswich, upon the [?body], tackle, apparrell, ordnance, munition, artillery
boate and other furniture of and in the good shipp the Eagle of Ipswich
of the burthen of 250 tonnes or thereabouts; the said John Plover Master
And for and on the behalfe of the said Plover, hee this deponent was
the person that appeared in that matter to the said Gilbert Morewood
and procured him to become an assurer, and upon this deponents
showing the said Mr Morewood the said pollicie, and agreement with
him for the summe for praemium, hee the said Mr Morewood subscribed that hee was
content with that Assurance for 150 li, as under the said pollicie
is set downe and containedl and hee this deponent paid the said Mr
Gilbert Morewood the praemium, and was by him the said Mr
Morewood taken notice of to be paymaster thereof, and for such
hee was written downe in the said pollicie. But for meanes
or procurement of the said subscription, more than the ordinary way
of tendering him the said Mr Morewood the pollicie and
telling him what hee would give for paraemium, hee saith hee used
none, the said Mr Morewoods said subscription being free and voluntary
having agreed for the praemium as aforesaid.

To the second hee deposeth that the said pollicie containeth , that the sad
Assurance was to continue for six monethes from the time of the
date thereof, and for soe longe time after untill the Assured should give
intimation for cessation of the adventure, or to that effect, referring
himselfe for more certaintie herein to the said pollicie; And this deponent
was by the said Gilbert Morewood taken notice of to be the oerson that
tendred the said pollicie for subscription and obtained his the said
Morewoods subscription as aforesaid, Et aliter nescit respondere; salvis

To the third Interrogatory hee deposeth that the said shipp the Eagle
[?raigned] and was well and in being till after the 24th of August 1649
And that upon the said 24th of August, hee this deponent
by and with the consent of the wife of the said John Plover intimated to
the said Mr Gilbert Morewood that his adventure in the said pollicie
did end and determine at the expiration of six monethes cetaine;
which six monethes certaine were expired before the said 24th of August
And saith that the said Intimation was duely entred upon [?Records] and [?Registry]
in the Assurance office in the very words interrogated,
videlicet (Memorandum it is intimated by Mr William Startute, that the Adventure of Mr Gilbert Morewood
in this pollicie did end and determine at the expiration of six monethes certaine
Witnesse his hand this 24th of August 1649. Will: Startute.) And that according[?XX]