HCA 13/63 f.31v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.31v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


there by the space of Allmost two Moneths nmext before
the said tyme as an Emptie shipp (as indeed shee then was)
haveing finished her voyage And saith that the palce
wherein the said shipp was soe laied up was such and
soe out of the way that in all probabilitie shee could neither
doe or suffer any wrong to or from any ship unlesse
they would willfully runne upon her as the shippe
the Saint Jacob did, as is hereafter
expressed reddens rationem scientia sua hee this deponent
haveing knowne the said ship the Phillip ladied up
in the said place upon her former comeing home form a
voyage next before this her last voyage Et alr nescit
deponere salvis infrascrptis ad qua se refert.

Ad 7um deponit that about the time in the 6th article of
the Allegation mentioned tha Company of the said
shippe the Saint Jacob being (as iit seems) unskilled or negligent in
bringing up a shippe or haleing of her ashore in the River
of Thames arlkate did runne theire said ship aground
upon the Northside of the said River as is arlate
neere unto the said shippe the Phillip att such tyme as
the Tyde of Ebb wa fallen about two foote; And saith
that at the same tyme the said shipp the Saint Jacobn
came soe violently a shore that her Boltspritt stucke
into the maine shrowds of the Phillip and broke her
Ratlings. The premisses he deposeth hee this deponent
seeing the said ship imediatly after she soe ranne ashore
att dickeshore and being then abord the said ship the
Phillip and seeing the same soe had and done as aforesaid
Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad decimum et 11um deponit that att the tyme arlate the Company
abord the said ship the Saint Jacob did without any care or veiwe
before hand made (as they ought to have done) runne their
said shippe a shoare upon a hole where lighter men
take up Ballast as is arlate and by meanes thereof
the said ship laye with her Bilge and midshipps in the said hole in at least 6 [?XXXX] with
her head a fdrye ground at Lowe water and her stearne
sitting upon the chaine to which ships rideing in the said
River of Thames are usually fastned by reason whereof
the said shippe being a deepe laden shippe was much [?XXX]
and strained and her seames thereby much opened which
hee is confidently assured that what damage
soever did happen into the said shipp the Saint Jacob
which faine was done and did soe come by her said
Running aground both at Dickshore and before that at
Cuckolds point arlate And not by any Anchor or [?XXXX]