HCA 13/63 f.297v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.297v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Die prd.

Super lila pred examinatus./



Randolphus Orton de Shadwell infra
parochiam de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Naupagus
aetatis 38. annorum aut eo circiter testis
Productus et iuratus.

Ad 6 et 7um arlos dei lilli deponit et dicit that in or about
the Moneth of ffebruary last past hee this deponent (being
a ship carpenter by Profession) was sent for by the Producent
Hane Claeson or some other imployed by him to come down
to dickshore where his ship the Saint Jacob arlate then was
And saith that at the said tyme of such his comeing thither
the ship the Phillip arlate haveing one of her
Anchors out farre from her in the River of Thames in a
place where sometimes ships use to ride and often Passe
which had not any buoye marke or beacon thereto that this
Deponent could perceive, the ship the Saint Jacob comeing ashore
there, came fowle of and sate upon parte of the Anchor stocke
of the said ship the Phillip