HCA 13/63 f.275r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.275r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Ad 16 arlum deponit as hee ws credibly informed and heard it frequently
reported aboard the said shipp the Mayflower lying in the said roade of
Barcelona, the Governour of Barcelona tould the said Captaine
Jacket that hee could not permit him to trade there, untill hee had ontained
leave therefore from the Vice Roy or Governour of Santo Domingo, and thereupon
as hee saith the said Captaine Jacket sent the said pinck the Peter under the
command of a Spanish Captaine, and about 14 or 16 Spaniards
and not above foure or five English in her to saile to Santo Domingo
to procure leave from the Vice Roy there, to trade at Barcelona
and put on board her about 31 of the said negroes which were brought from
Ginney and diverse packs of goods all belonging to the said Mr Vassall
and company, and there the said pinck arrived with the said Negroes
and goods as they had afterwards certaine intelligence at the roade of
Barcelona, Et alr nescit.

Ad 7 et 8 arlos deponit that (as there came certaine intelligence to
the said Captaine Jacket and company, while they soe continued with
the said shipp the Mayflower in the Roade of Barcelona, and as this deponent
hath since heard it reported and affirmed by some of the Peters company
that went in her to Santo Domingo) the said pinck the Saint Peter upon
her arivall at Santo Domingo was with her said 31 Negroes and other goods
carried thither in her carried by the said Spanish Captaine and the rest of