HCA 13/63 f.270v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.270v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


20th Junij 1650.

Marten and Stutten Thompson et alias.}

Super lillo pred examinatus.



Ad primum, 2. 3. 4. et 5 arlos deponit et dicit that on or about the
ninteenth day of the moneth of Aprill last past this deponent
and his contest henry dalton arbitrators chosen for the producent to help to
end the difference betweene him and the arlate Thomas Stuttin about
the battery in question, met with the said parties in sute and
with two arbitrators nominated on the behalfe of the said Stuttin
at the signe of the Plume of ffeathers at Saint Catherines
staires, about composing he said difference, and then and
there having speech thereabout with the said Stuttin, hee this
deponent heard him then and there confesse and acknowledge
that hee had struck the arlate John Martin about the 24th of January as the said John was in his boote by his the [#]

[#] said Stuttins slip side
belowe Gravesend

and then to London
afterwards and before hee durst come up with his shipp hee
had sente twice or thrice to Gravesend to enquire whither the said
John was living or dead, and did there offer himselfe ready to
pay the said master a good summe of money in lieu of the said
dammage and battary, Et alr nescit deponere, saving the
said Robert Martin was and is by profession a waterman
and useth to rowe upon the Thames, and the said John was and
is his servant and apprentice, and that the said John as hee
beleeveth [?gained] ordinarily to his said master 14 or 15 s per
weeke one weeke with another Before the said dammage happened
and that it is usuall for watermen there to gaine
after that rate.

At Interrogatorria

Ad primum 2t 2 recit regatus per producend, alr negative et [?XXXX
salvis predepoits



Eadem die/

Super lillo producen examinat.



Andreas Dalton arochia sancti Olavi in burgo de
Southwark Parchment maker, aetatis 56 annorum
eo circiter testis productus et juratus.

Ad 1um. 2. 3. 4. et 5um arlos deponit et dicit that this deponent [?being]
chosen an arbitrator by the producent hath to end the difference [?in]
question, had a meeting with his precontest John Potts another of
the producents arbitrators, and with two others named by the [?allegate]
Thoma Stuttin at the Plume of feathers at Saint [/XXX]