HCA 13/63 f.260r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.260r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Musten by vertue of the said Seizure thereof predeposed and for
and as owner thereof hee the said Musten hath beene and still
is comonly accompted reputed and taken reddens rationem scientiae
so unsupra. Et alr nescit deponere.

At ult dicit predepoita sua so vera./

Ad Interria./

dt. Smith


...the said Joseph Mustens Brother
did marry this deponents Mother....

...the lighter interrogated was built as is interrogated, And
sould the same as is predeposed, such that in part of payment for her hee
the said Mayor had an old Lighter worth 4 li and was or is to have 31 li more as aforesaid
which said old lighter being by him the said Mayor afterwards trimmed up was againe
sould by him to the said Zacheus Perkins for 13 li Et alr salvis predepoita [?sua]


... the interrogated Perkins was indebted unto the said producent about
the tyme interrogated in severall soms of money they haveing beene Copartners
together in buying and selling of wood and coles, and by that meanes his
said Brother to his knowledge was really indebted unto him the said Musten and
as hee beleeveth is soe still in some considerable soms of money. Et alr salvis
predepoita se rendet negative.

Samuell Perkins [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]



die pred

Sup allone et supra pred examinatus


Thomas Edwards parochia sancta Catherina propa
Turrim London Waterman aetatis 43. annorum aut
ea circiter testis productus et iuratus.