HCA 13/63 f.25r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 25 |
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IMAGE: IMG_113_02_5795.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/03 |
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they have first come to an Anchor
in the channell and soe remayned by the space of one
Tyde, and then att low water veiwed and inspected the
birth or place where they intend to hale such ship ashore, to
the end that they may soe see (the water being gone) that the said
place soe by them pitched upon bee cleare and free as is arlate
reddens rationem ut supra Et alr nescit deponere
Ad 10um depoinit et dicit that at the time arlate the Company
of the said shipp the Saint Jacob without any care or inspection
had and used as aforesaid haling theire said shippe ashore
at Dickshoare the said shipp did fall into a hole where
lighter men used to gett Ballast upon which hole this deponent
saith shee lay with her head aground and her sterne upon the
chaine to which shipps rideing at Anchor in the said River of
Thames are usually fastned on the one side quite drie with her
said shipp or bilge as hee saith lyeing about 6. or 7. foote deepe
in a hole in the water by meanes whereof the said shipp was
wrenched and soe strained in her bilge that the arlate
[?Hanche] Claeson (who was by that tyme come thither)
being abord the said ships boat, tooke his knife out of a pockett and
thrust the same in up to the haft into the seames of the
said ship the Saint Jacob. And hee further saith that what
damage was done at the tyme arlate unto the said shippe
was done and did happen by reason of her falling and comeing
into the said hole and not by the Anchor or any thing else
of as belonging to the said ship the Phillip The premisses
hee deposeth being present and seeing the said ship the
Saint Jacob at the tyme when shee soe laye in and upon the
said hole and seeing and preaveiwing the damage to come
and happen unto her as hee hath predeposed. and by noe
other meanes whatsoever. Et alr nescit deponere saveing
that the said shipp the Saint Jacob did
lie in such a manner in and upon the said Hole that unlesse
the Company of her had not (as they did) gott a lighter
against the next tyde to weigh her up withall the same
as hee saith and beleeveth would never have bin gott up againe
without the unladeing of her. Et alr nescit.
Ad 11um deponit et dicit that the Anchor of the shippe
the Phillip arlate at the tyme arlate was fastned to and
did lye in the Tryangle of the chaine arlate or very
neare thereunto, and in such a manner as the shippe the
Saint Jacob arlate as the tyde then was did not nor could not
strike against or sitt upon any part thereof without bilging
of her selfe and then hee saith the same might and would
have bin evident and safely to have bin seene upon the said
Anchor or Anchor stocke which hee saith was not nor could soe appeare
by any impression made in the said ship the Saint Jacobs sides
or else where reddens rationem et cetera ut supra. Et alr nescit deponere