HCA 13/63 f.250v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.250v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


11th Junij 1650 [CENTRE HEADING]

Southwood er drayton}
con der Keazer}

Super lilo ex parte [?dcorum] Southwood et
drayton dat examinatus./

[?XXX] dt./


Thomas Bedham de parochia Sancta Maria Magdalina
Bermondsey infra Burgum Southwarke Nauta aetatis
se 32 annorum aut eo circiter testis productus
et iurtaus./

Ad quartum et quintum arlos dicti libelli et sched in causa [?XXXX] deponit et dicit
that hee this deponent being at Ostend about the Moneth of Maye
in Anno domini 1649 did see the ship the Samuell arlate and her
ladeing brought into Osetdn as Prize shee haveing bin taken out
att Sea by a Man of warre called the Galliott Hoy belonging to that
Port whereof the arlate Jacob de [?Gowner] was Captaine and Comander
And saith that after the arriveall of the said ship the Samuell
there shee was together with her ladeing there sould and disposed
on by the arlate Alonzo [?Lewy] Mr Cole and Mr Keizerocke Owners of
the said Manne of ware Et ulterius deponit that the said shippe
the Samuell had then on board her a certaine quantitie of Tarrs
with severall barrills of beefe and alsoe a greate Number of stock=
fishe together with a greate nomber of Goat skinns each Barrill
of Tarre worth about 23. s per barrill the beeife worth 34. s per barrill
the stocke fishe beinge worth 10. s per Centum and the Goat skins worth 14. s
a peace one with the other. And saith that the said Mr
[?Leywey], Cole and Keisacke have bin for diverse yeares last
past to this deponents knowledge owners and setters out by
severall othe rmen of warr besides the shipp the Guilliott Hoy
which from tyme to tyme have gone and beene sett out from
Ostend and for such were and are comonly accompted
reputed and taken. Which hee knoweth hee this deponent having
within theise few yeares last past beene very conversant att
Ostend and seeing the said parties act and undertake as is
predeposed. Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 6um deponit et dicit that the said Mr Southwood being
advised of the losse of his said goods taken together with the
said ship the Samuell hee did forthwith repaire over to
Ostend there to endeavour the restitution of the said ship and goods
but hee saith hee could not procure the same but on the contrary
was utterly denied thereof and as this deponent hath heard
was very much threatened and all due proceedings att lawe
was likewise denied unto him by such as were there in authority
And soe hee saith the said Mr Southwood was constrained to
returne backe from thence without his said goods or any thing in
lewe thereof they being disposed by the saud [?Lewey] and the rest
of the parties arlate reddens rationem scientia se ut supra Et
alr nescit deponere.

Ad 7. et 8um deponit et dicit that whithin the tyme arlate the said
[?Lewey] Cole and Keirrocke were and att this present are
accompted the true and lawfull owners and proprietors of
the shipp the Saint Peeter of Ostend arlate and whereof
Peter de Keazer was Master and Comander, which said ship