HCA 13/63 f.24r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.24r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and did come ashore as aforesaid. And is as hee saith
and in his conscience is perswaded the very same Anchor
that was soe fastned to the said ship at the tyme predeposed
to which hee saith there was and is a sufficient Buoye
fixed, which was and is made of ffirre or beech wood as
hee remembreth, Et alr salvis predepita [?XX] nescit rendere

Jacobi M Marriot [MARKE, RH SIDE]



Super allegatione pred examinatus


Jacobus Symmes de Lymehouse parochia de
Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Aquarius aetatis 39
annorum aut eo circiter testis productus et

Ad primum et 2um deponit et dict that hee this deponent
being a Waterman by profession and liveing in Lymehouse
neare unto Dickshoare arlate was with his precontest and partner James
Merritt aboard theire Wherrye in the River of Thames
att such tyme as the shipp the Jacob arlate came
and was haled ashoare there, which hee saith was upon or
about the 18th day of ffebruary last past arlate; And saith
that in case the said shippe the Saint Jacob did susteyne
any damage by such her comeing ashoare at Dickshoare
the same as hee saith soe happened and befell her by and through
the neglect or unskillfullnes of her Company then on board
her And not by default of the arlate Richard Hussee or of any
other belonging to him or of his shippe the Phillipp arlate
nor of or by any Anchor or Anchorstocke belonging to
the said shipp. And hee further deposeth that by the customes
of the Seas and by the order of The Trinitye house arlate, Noe
Master or Marriner of a shippe whatsoever either stranger or other
may or ought to bring up their shipps into the River
of Thames arlate (especially if they bee laden) and there
haile ashoare without a sufficient and well experienced Pilot
and saith a one as is approved on by the said house. The premisses
hee deposeth hee this deponent haveing bin well
acquainted with the Seas and River of Thames by the space
of theise 22 yeares and upwards and thereby knoweth the
Customes predeposed to bee as aforesaid
Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 3um deponit that att the tyme arlate there was noe Pilot
or Master abord the shipp the Saint Jacob arlate, which hee
knoweth because hee this deponent together with his precontest
went aboard the said shippe the Saint Jacob ymediately after
her comeing aground at dickshoare arlate and thereby
knoweth the premisses to bee true. Et alr salvis infra [?XXX]
nescit deponeere
