HCA 13/63 f.249r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.249r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


11th die Junij 1659/


Edwardus [?XXXXawe] de Ratcliffe
infra parochiam de Stepney et Comitatu Middlesex
grocer aetatis sua 35 annorum aut eo circiter
testis productus et iuratus/


...the ship the Peter Bonadventure. And saith that whithin the said thyme
they the said Brigett and Companie did lett out the said shipp to ffreight
to the arlate William Berger and John Harris as is arlate and did promise
by theire Charter partie under theire hands and seales that the said shippe the
Peter Bonadventure should bee a firme tight and staunch ship and well
and sufficiently furnished and equipped for the said voyage and that
the said ship was of the burthen of 210 Tonns as is arlate. Et
ulterius deponit that the said Bonyer and Harris haveing taken
the said ship to ffreight as aforesaid they did lade and put abord the same
diverse goods wares and Merchandizes together with about 200. Passengers
with which the said ship was ordered to saile to Antego , and soe did accordingly
proceed from Gravesend upon the said voyage att or upon the 19th day
of Aprill 1649. but hee saith that after such tyme as the said ship
had sailed about 100. leagues from the land end the arlate Peter