HCA 13/63 f.248r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.248r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Ad 11 deponit that in and for all the tyme in the first article of the libell mentioned
and at the tyme arlate the said Thomas George was and at this present still is and ought
to bee the true and lawfull owner and proprietor of both the said Barges
and for such was and is comonly Accompted reputed and taken which
hee knoweth to bee true hee this deponent being with the said George
for all the tyme afoesaid and goeing often to the yard where they
were built to see how forward the same were whilest they were
building and thereby well knoweth that his said master is and was
the said Owner of the said Barges as aforesaid, hee haveing had
them ever since they were first built. Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 12um deponit et dicit that within the tyme arlate and albeit the
very morning before the said cornewas taken out of the said shippe
did cause a considerable quantity of Comodities to bee taken from out the
same which if hee had not soe done the said ship might and would have bin kept
much more steady than she was after the said barly was taken out of the same. Et
alr nescit deponere.

Ad 13 14 et a5um deponit et dicit that at the tyme of the arrivall of the said
ship [?XXX XXXX] to the said Key arlate and before and since there have bin and still
are certaine Iron Rings into which ships comeing thither are usually fastned
albeit hee saith the said Hoskins did neglect to make his said
ship fast thereto att the tyme arlate as hee might and ought to have done, neither was
the said ship as hee saith att all well and sufficiently moored dureing the tyme
of her takeing out of the said Corne from abord her but was only
loosly tyed to the said Rings and had liberty thereby to swerbe to and
fro att the waters moored her, Et ulterius deponit that in