HCA 13/63 f.238v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.238v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


4th Junii 1650./

Super lilo pred examinatus

Rp. 3

Georgius Gilbert parochia Sancta Salvatoris infra
Burgum Southwarke [?XXXXius] a tatis se 52
annorum aut eo circiter testis productus
et iuratus

Ad primum et 2um arles dei lile deponit et dicit that within the
tyme lilate the arlate Robert Hoskins was comonly accompted and
reputed the cheife master and comander of the ship the William lilate, And
saith that about 5. or 6. weekes since ut recolit the said ship the
William was brought to Bridgehouse Key as is arlate being laden with
Barly and other Merchandizes which hee saith were consigned to
the arlate Mr Robert Jeffrey all which hee knoweth to be true hee
this deponent seeing the said Hoskins (dureing the tyme that the said
ship remained at Bridge house=key aforesaid) execute the said plan
and comand of and as master of the said ship the William