HCA 13/63 f.237r annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.237r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Griffinus Rogers parochia Sancti Salvatoris in Burgo
Southwarke operarius aetatis 60. annorum aut eo circiter
testis productus et iuratus.


that dureing the abode
of the said shipp the William at Bridgehouse Key one of the producents
William Parnes did procure the arlate Thomas George to
com with his two Barges from Hammersmith to the said Key there to
take in from aboard the said ship the Number of about 137. quarters
of Barlye which this deponent hath bin credibly informed the said
Parnes had bought of the said Mr Jeffrie being part of
the said ships ladeing which was brought thither in her for the
Accompt of him


Ad 6us um et 8um deponit et dicit that after the said lesser barge was
laden and had receaved a great quantitie of Barly
abord her from and out of the said ship the William the arlate Thomas
George did dispatch and send away the same through bridge towards
Hamersmith where the said Parnis and George did and doe dwell
and inhabite which being done the said George this deponent saith
did staie behind with the said greater barge to receave into her