HCA 13/63 f.224v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.224v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


much from their husbands, and that all those reports about the faire
reception of the Pincke at Santo domingo, and giving her dispatch for
trade and the like were meare pretenses and purposely given out to
intice the said Captaine ashore and drawe him to trade with them
and land his Negro's and goods that soe they might the better seize
them, which when the said Allen (retourning aboard) had made
knowne to the rest of the Company, diverse of them seeing the
said Captaine Jacket cause the said Negro's and goods to be put
ashore, and nothing retourned aboard in lieu thereof
(as in truck and trading there ought to have bin) to prevent the
said treacharie of the Spaniards, petitioned the said Captaine
Jacket in writing, and besought him that hee would be more
wary and circumspect, and that hee would not suffer or cause any
more negro's or goods to be landed, untill hee had received aboard some
retournes for what were already sent ashore, telling him that
if hee delivered and put ashore the remainder, and tooke nothing
aboard in truck for the same, there would be nothing left to pay
them their wages, acquainting hin withall, with what they heard
and iustly suspected touching the Spaniards said designe upon him,
them and the said shipp and lading, or to that effect, whereat
the said Captaine Jacket being much enraged, tould them in
greate passion, that hee would spend five thousand pounds
rather than they should have a penny wages, and that hee
would make their bellies cleare to their backs, in case they went
about to hinder him in what hee did and intended or to the
same effect, and soe neither would nor did desist, but still
proceeded to send the rest of the Negro's and goods ashore
without receiving ought on board in lieu thereof, Reddens
rationem scientia sua ut supra. Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 21um arlum deponit that besides the landing of all the said
Negro's and goods out of the said shipp the Mayflower, hee
the said Captaine Jacket as if hee had conspired with the
Spaniards for the betraying up of the shipp, company and goods into
their hands, caused all the caske wherein the waster was for the
companies use and drinking, to be alsoe taken out and carried
ashore, and put into a condition of being captivated and
made a proxy to the Spaniards together with shipps and goods, [?as GUTTER]
it afterwards happened. Et alr nescit.

Ad 22um arlum deponit et dicit that forthwith after the premisses there [?XXX GUTTER]
the Alcalde of Barcelona and another Spanish officer on board the
shipp and treated with her company about delivering her up, which they were [?XXX GUTTER]
to doe having neither water nor sufficiencie of other provisions to sustaine [?them GUTTER]
or bringe her away, and soe the said shipp and goods were utterly lost to her
said imployers and merchants, and that by the fault or miscariage of the said
Jacket, Reddens rationem ut supra. alr nescit.