HCA 13/63 f.20r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.20r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


2nd Aprilis 1650./ [CENTRE HEADING]

Negot[?ium] examinationis testum}
ad perpetua rei memoria}
promot per Thomas Canham}
Mercatoris de London, quoad}
damna per eu sustent in nave}
quadam vorat the Lucretia alias}
the Elizabeth of London cuius}
Richardus Stephens erat magr}

Richard Stevens of the
parishe of Saint Katherine neare the
Tower of London of (sic) Marriner
aged 56 yeares or thereabouts sworne
the day above said before the right
Worshipfull William Clerke
doctor of Lawes one of the Judges of
the high Court of Admiraltye, and
examined upon Interrogatories ministred on the
behalfe of the said Thomas Canham, saith
by vertue of his Oath as followeth videlicet/



die pred. [CENTRE HEADING]

prefatus Richard Stevens examinatus
super Interr. ex parte Richard Rives
Mercatoris de London