HCA 13/63 f.205v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 205 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/10/26 |
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soe commonly accompted, and within the said time the said James
Major at the speciall intreatie and instance of the said Perkins (which this
deponent heard him make, and sawe diverse notes which hee
sent to him to that purpose) did lay out, imploy, deliver abd use in
upon and for the use of the said lighters all and singular the
goods, materialls, provisions and worke in the said schedula mentioned
all ehich were incorporated wrought and imployed, into, upon and
for the use and fitting of the said lighters, and were all or the
greatest of them in and upon the said lighters at the time of the
arrest in this cause. All which hee knoweth to bee
true because hee this deponent in company of his precontest
Edward Bigland and others wrought in and upon the said lighters
dureing all the time that they were soe in repairing and sawe the
said materialls soe imployed and worke donne. Et alr nescit
salvis subscripte.
Ad tertiam arlum et schedulam prad deponit that the said producent
James Major by order and direction of the said Zacheus Perkins did
hire, imploye and pay diverse Carpenters and workmen to make
in and upon the said lighters in the said repaires, who accordingly
wrought thereupon the respective times schedlated, and for such
their worke did very well earne and deserve the respective
wages and paye sett downe in the said schedule, which hee knoweth
being one of the Carpenters that soe wrought upon them, and
such and soe much wages and pay at liest is usually allowed and paid to shipwrights
and workemen for the like time and worke. Et alr nescit salvis
Ad 4 deponit that hee is well acquainted with the nature and
price of the goods, materialls and workemanshipp schedulated
haveing exercised the trade of a shipwright for theise tenn yeares
last past and thereby well knoweth that the said materialls and
goods were the time arlate very well worth the
severall and respective summes of money mentioned and set downe
in the said schedle, and for soe much, goods and materialls
of the same nature and qualities were then commonly solde
and delivered. Et alr nescit.
Suoer reliquis non examinatus ex directione producen./
Ad [?dXXX] Interrium rendet that hee is sonne to the producent
and liveth in house with him, and cometh at his instance to speake the
truth in this cause, and saith hee knoweth a lighter called the James
which being built and launched by the said producent, the said Perkins
desired to have and had the use of her for some space by way of [?triall]
pretending to buy her, but hee keeping her and making noe payment
for her according to his understanding, the producent was saine to arrest
her for recovery of her againe; but saith shee was never called the
Ball, alr negative.