HCA 13/63 f.1r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 1 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/05/09 |
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27: Marty 1650 Super Interrogatorys ex parte
Broughton examinat/
[?examinaconis] [?XXXX] quoad assecuracone}
navis [?XXXX] the Roebucke [?promoted] pe
William Broughton Civi[?ts] London mercator}
1 [?XX]/
Edwardus Garrett de Lymehouse infra parochiam
de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex Nauta ubi mora [?fecit]
per [?XXXXs] aut [?coram] aetatis 54 annorum aut [?XXX] testis
in [?hac] causa productus de [?XXXtus] deponit [?sequitur]
Ad primum secundum et 3um Interrogatoria deponit et decit That hee this deponit was [?master] [?XXX XXXX]
uner the interrogated William Hardgrave of the Shipp the Roebucke in the Interrogatories
mentioned which within the tyme interrogated videlicet in the moneth of September last past
was at Grand Parra in Brazill from which Port the said Shipp with her lading
which were Sugars and Tobaccoe wherein the interrogated George Broughton the
producent had a greate share of the Adventure were consigned for Lisbone in
Portugall but to what valew the said producents adventure did amount he cannot
say but sayeth that in the said shipps course from Grand [?Parra] to Lisbone the said
shipp with all her goods and ladeing were surprized and taken bu Prince Rupert
his fleete lyeing of the Roade at East Cales nere the Narr off Lisbon and
sayeth That the said William Hardgrave Master of the
said shipp and the [?mate] George Broughton were taken and kept on board as Prizoners
and their goods and all thinges considerable about them saveinge theire Clothes taken
away from them and there Cabinets ransacked and searched and what they had was
taken from them without restitution the premisses hee deposeth beinge a Sharer in
the said misfortune and haveing lost all that hee this deponent then had on board
the said Shipp his Clothes on his this deponents backe and five or sixe Shirts excepted
Et alr nescit
Edward garrett [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
P. Aprilis 1650 Super Allegacone ex parte Martyn
Gough et [?XX] con Martyn}
Suckley. yeo}
Suckley [?dt.] yeo
Hugo Needes parochia Sancti Olavi in Burgo de Southwarke
Nauta ubi [?XXXX] fecit [?XXXXX] [?XX] [?XXXX] [?XXXXX] aetate aetatis
28 annorum aut [?XXX] testis in hac [?XX] productus et [?XXXXus] deponit ut
Ad primum arlum dicte allegaconis deponit et dicit That on or about the fourth day of
december arlate, The shipp the Beniamyn and Judeth whereof the producent Thomas
Martyn was master was bound from the Port of London to Roane in ffrance and being in her
Course and setting sale in the River of Thames hee sayeth That about Lymehouse
Reach the said Shippe did indeavour to make a board to weather the reach
to gett downe to Gravesend, under two Courses and a [?XXXX] and sayeth
That the Shipp the ffortune arlate whereof Edmund Clarke was master as the
said Shipp the Beniamyn and Judeth was a Backstayes or becalmed and her Company
were hayleinge in of her mayne tacke was mett with or ranne uppon by the
Shipp the ffortune arlate whoe had all her sayles abroad except her mayne sale and
her Spritsale and sayeth that the said Shipp the ffortune by reason of the negligence