HCA 13/63 f.194r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 194 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/04/11 |
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request this deponent to goe along with him (in regard hee could speake
the ffrench language) to the ffactor or Supra Cargo arlate to make
a demand of such ffreight as was due unto him the said Jones
for his said shipps service in the imployment of the said ffactor or of
such as had hired the said ship to ffraight, which this deponent did
accordingly, but saith that the said ffactor refused to paie the
same, telling this deponent that hee would paie none, nor give
any security for the sayment thereof as is arlate; which the said Thomas
Jones perceaving, and that hee had noe other way left to secure himself
of the same hee was constrained to keep and did keepe some
of the Natroone which the said ffactor or supra Cargo had laden and
put abord his the said Jones his shippe and carryed the same
along wit him to Candy haveing noe other way to dispose
of the same. reddens raconem scientia sua ut supra. Et alr nescit.
Ad 10. et 11um nescit deponere.
Ad 12. 13. et 14um deponit et dicit that after the arrivall of
the said shippe the Anne and Joyce at Candy
and after she had discharged such goods as the producent
Thomas Jones had brought in her for the Turks service from
Alexandria thither shee was (with this deponents and 2 other
English ships then allsoe there upon the same forced imployment)
still detained and by the Turks officers there and the said
Jones together with this deponent and the rest were as hee saith charged
not to stirre thence upon paine and forfeiture of his and theire
ships and imprisonment of theire persons yet hee saith
notwithstanding all this the said Thomas Jones and this
deponent with the rest diid steale away with theire said ships from
Candy arlate in much danger and hazard. And saith that
if any of the said ships should have bin retaken by the Turkes
they had undoubtedly bin confiscate and the Masters and Companies
of such ship or ships would have bin made slaves for theire
departure from Candy aforesaid without leave. Et alr nescit
Ad 15 et 16um deponit et dicit that hee doeth veryly beleeve that
in case the said Thomas Jones had receaved his fraight due unto
him from the said Factor hee might have invested the same into
sugars at [?Lisburne] and have made good proffitt thereby. Or otherwise this
deponent saith hee might have receaved abord his said
shippe at Lisborne soe many [?XXX] of sugar as hee had
of Natroone abord the said ship for the freight whereof
from thence to London hee might have had and receaved
the somme of 3 li sterling per Tonne and soe much is commonly
and usualy paid for freight of each Tonne of sugar from
thence. Et alr nescit deponere
Ad 17um deponit that the said Thomas Jones arrived with the said shippe
the Anne and Joyce from Lisborne to and att this Port of
London att or about the beginning of the moneth of March last past hee
then haveing his said Natroone soe by him as aforesaid
detained in lieu of and for his said freight while his ship
was in the imployment of the said Super Cargo or ffrench
factpr about [?XXXXX]. Et alr nescit.