HCA 13/63 f.190v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 190 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 26/10/2016 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_113_02_6126.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2016/10/26 |
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Ad 2um rendet quad refert se ad predepita sua Et alr
nescit saveing that hee saith that hee was not
present when the interrogated Robinson was hired.
Ad 3um rendet that the interrogated dobbins did tell this rendent and the rest of
the said ships Company at theire setting forward upon the voyage interrate
that hee was bound from thence to Ireland and soe to ffrance and from
thene to Lisburne and soe home againe. Et alr nescit.
Ad 4um rendet that hee did not heare the said Robinson give any particular
assent to the voyage interrogated, but onely promiscuously with the rest when the said
Mr dobbins demanded of them whether they would goe along with him [?XXX]
And saith that hee the said Mr dobbins made a new agreement with his Company
interrogated for the voyage interrogated And did allow some of his Companie
more wages for the same as is interrogated. Et alr nescit.
Ad 5um rendet that to the Brazeele is a dangerous voyage and
such as to undertake marriners will be sometymes better paid then ordinarily
to other places. Et alr referendo se ad predepoita sua rendet [?nege]./
eadem die
Super allegatione pred examinatus./
dt. Suckly.
Richardus Peachy de Redriffe in Comitatu Surria
Nauta aetatis sua 21. annorum aut eo circiter testis
productus et iuratus.
Ad primum deponit that the arlate Stephen Robinson did of this deponents
knowledge goe and serve in the ship the Peter arlate whereof the
producent Mr Joseph Dobbins was (and still is) Master and Commander
upon and dureing the voyage in this cause questioned and untill
the returne thereof to Lisbourne and there hee saith hee
the said Robinson left the said ship as is hereafter expressed Et
alr nescit deponere salvis infrascripts
Ad 2um et [?sched] eid annex seponit et dicit that at such tyme as the saud Mr [?XXX]
was with his said shipp the Peeyer att Lisburne hee mett
with an opportunitie of an employment for the said shippe
from thence to Brazill And saith that att the same tyme
hee came abord the sayd ship and did aske the said Companie
whether or noe they would willinglie goe along with him
upon the said voyage. And saith that ymediatly all the said
ships Companie Unanimously did declare theire
willingnese to undertake the same And to that purpose
did subscribe the schedule to the allegatcon annexed in
this deponents presence in the great Cabbin of the said