HCA 13/63 f.17r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 17 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/05/30 |
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2nd Aprilis 1650. [CENTRE HEADING]
Jackson con Haddocke}
Yeo. Bud/}
Super allegatione arlatea ex parte dei
Haddocke per Bud dat examinatas/
Willimus Eldred de Eastsmithfeild
parochia Sancti Butolphi Allgate London
Nauta aetatis 40 annorum aut eo circiter
testis productus et iuratus. deponit
et sequitur./ videlicet.
Ad 1um . 2um. 3um. 4um. 5um. 6um. 7um. 8um. et 9um. arlos dea Allegacone
deponit et dicit that hee this deponent being at Veles
Mallega about the latter end of the Moneth of
December or the beginning of January last past did
receave he quantitye of 64. eight Roove Barrells
of raisins of the Sunne out of the Warehouse of the
arlate Don Francisco de Buigas for and in conside
ration of other goods which the arlate Wrath Bartram
had bought of this deponent there; Which said Raisins
this deponent saith were ordered to bee delivered
unto him this deponent out of the said Don de Brigas
warehouse att Veles Castle, and to that purpose the
said Bartram went along with this deponent to give order
for the steeveing of the same accordinglye. And he further
saith and deposeth that dureing his this deponents abode att
Veles Mallega aforesaid hee did goe alonge to the foresaid Warehouse
of the said don de Buiga together with his
contest Mr Daniell Morgan and did then and there see the
said Morgan looke after and take care for the steeveing of
the fiftie Barrells of raisins in question amongest them which hee veryly
beleeveth hee so did for the Accompt of the producent
Captaine Haddocke to th end that the said Haddocke might
have the same abord his shipp the America in
[?seine] and for the donsideration of some monies due upon
Accompt to him the said Haddocke from the said Bartram
Et ulterius deponit that the said Don Francisco de Buigas
and the arlate Wrathe Bartram were for all the
tyme arlate accompted Coepartners and
correspondents together, the said Barthram (dureing all
the time of his this deponents abode att Veles aforesaid) lyeing
in the said don Francisco's house. reddens racionem
scientia sua ut supra. Et alr ado dca allegacione nescit deponere