HCA 13/63 f.179r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.179r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window





Eodem die

Super allegacone pred examinat./



Willimus Hooper de Plymouth in Comitatu Devon Naupegus
aetatis 35. annorum aut eo circiter testis productus et iuratus./

Ad 4um arlum dicta allegaconis deponit et dicit that he this deponent
being att Saint Christophers att such tyme as the ship the Peeter Bonadventure
came and arrived att Antego. and was sent far up from thence by
Mr Christopher Cole to come and serve abord the said ship as Carpenter there
which hee saith hee did accordingly and att his said
comeing abord the same, hee dound the said ship to want some of her
Complement of small sailes together with her boatsailes and other Cordage
belonging unto and necessarie for such a ship for such a voyage as
that was; the want whereof could not choose but much hinder the
said ship from saileing and makeing that speed which otherwise shee
would have done. Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 5um. 6um. et 7um. nescit nisi ex [?retacone] [?al./]