HCA 13/62 f.3r Annotate

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HCA 13/62 f.3r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Robt Plunckett [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

dicto dre

Timothis Crusoe of the parishe of Saint Hellens merchante aged aboute
53 yeares sworne before the worshipfull William Clarke Judge of his Majesties high
Courte of the Admiraltye beinge examined sayeth and deposeth by vertue of his
oath as followeth videlicet/

That about six monethes since a certaine shippe
called the Saint Peter of Amsterdam whereof John Olferson was master laden with
reye bounde from Amsterdam towards Pharo in Portugall was in her course
towards Pharo by stronge and tempestuous weather driven or forced in amongst
the Rockes uppon the Coast of Cornewall neere a place called Mounts baye
where the Master and his Company for safeguard of teh sayd shippe
and goods was enforced to cast some of her ladeinge over board into the Sea
and to implore the ayd and assistance of the Inhabitants thereaboutes for
safeguard of the remainder but soe it fell out that divers parties under
pretence of saveinge and preservinge the said shippes ladeinge, stoll and
imbeselled away parte of the same and converted it to theere owne private uses
to the preiudice and [?iniurye] of the sayd master and his Company and the true
owners of the same whoe were and are merchants of Amsterdam some of
whose names were and are Wessell Nooreman and Jacob [?Rowbands]
and this hee knoweth to bee true for that about a moneth since hee speake
with the said master of the sayd shipp heere in London and since that
received a letter from him out of Cornewall where he nowe is./

Timothie Cruso [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


1st Septembris 1647

William Cooke of Wappinge in the Countye of Middlesex marriner aged aboute
29 yeares

...a certaine shipp or Vessell
of the burthen of aboute nynescore tonnes fflemish builte called and knowne by
the name of the Rebecca of London wherein this examinate is Master and soe hath
bin for the space of these twelve monethes last past nowe in the River of
Thames neere Wappinge old Stares but forthwith bounde out to sea and this
examinate to goe master of her did and soth solely wholelye and [?properlye]
belonge and appertaine iunto one Mr William Neave of the Cittye of London
merchant an Englishman borne and a subiect to the Kinge of England
and noe Stranger of fforrainer hath to this examinates knowledge any interest
or part with the sayd Neave in the sayd shippe or Vessell this hee
sayeth is true by vertue of his oath

William Cooke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


2nd Septembis 1647

Robert Plunckett of the Cittye of Corke in the Kingdome of Ireland mariner
aged about 23 yeares sworne before the worshipfull William Clarke Doctor of Lawes
and Judge of his Majesties high Courte of the Admiraltye beinge examined
uppon certaine interrogatories sayeth and deposeth thereto as followeth videlicet

To the sayd Interrogatories hee sayeth and deposeth That hee this examinate did
well knowe a certaine shippe or Vessell called the Sampson belonginge to Captaine