HCA 13/62 f.2r Annotate

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HCA 13/62 f.2r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


28th Augusti 1647

Willimus Wood de Rotterdam in Holland nauta aetatis 38 annorum aut eo
circiter testi in hac [?XX] productis iuratus et examinatus deponit et dicti prout
sequitur videlicet.


...That the arlate Lod Houlster
Henry Jacobsen and Company all Inhabitants in and about Rotterdam in
Holland were and still continue to bee ut nescit the true and Lawfull owners and
proprietors of the arlate shipp called the Robert of Rotterdam and of her tackle
apparrell and furniture and for such they were and still are generallye
assented reputed and taken at Rotterdam arlate and elswhere which hee
knoweth to bee true for that hee this examinate hath bin Master of her for the space
of above those twelve monethes last past