HCA 13/55 f.199r Annotate

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HCA 13/55 f.199r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


31st July 1639

Harman Brockeman [?XXX] aforesaid being examined
uppon certaine Interrogatories ministred to him on the behalfe of
Peter Jones and Company saieth and deposeth as followeth

To the first Interrogatory hee saieth that hee this examinate did knowe a
certaine shippe called the Saint Andrewe sett out from this porte
of London for Giny and Binnye in the service and imployment
of the Scotch Ginney and Binny Company in the yeare of[?XX]
1636 and he came to knowe and take notice thereof beeinge
imployed as a ffactor for the said Company for that voyage, and
goeinge in a certaine shipp called the golden Lyon of Edenburrgh
then imployed alsoe in the said Companyes service, and the said
shippe hee saieth was built to his beste remembrance after
the fflemishe fashion And more to this Interrogatory for his parte hee
cannot depose./

To the second Interrogatory hee saieth that not longe after the
arrivall of the said shippe the Saint Andrewe at Cormantyne
uppon the Coaste of Ginney, there being a glutt of the
comodites which shee brought theither, by reason of other
shippes which alsoe arriving there whileste the said shippe lay there
George Ireland the then master of the said shippe did by the
direction of one Mr jeronimus La ffelte the cheife merchant
of that shippe as alsoe of the other shippe called the golden Lyon
carry the said shippe tp Saint Thoma in hopes there to
putt off the remainder of her ladeinge and withall if hee could have gotten
a good price for the same alsoe to have putt upp and sold
the sayd shippe And more to this interrogatory for his parte hee cannot
depose for that hee came back for England in the sayd shippe the golden Lyon from Saint Thoma.

To the third hee saieth that the reason whie the sayd shippe the Saint Andrew did
returne backe to Ginney againe from Saint Thoma was
for that all the goodes which were
in the sayd shippe the golden Lyon were put of her outward
ladeinge that shee carried from London were put into the Saint
Andrewe to bee carried backe to Binney and Ginney againe and there to bee
disposed of and sold or trucked away which was done by the order of Mr [?LXXX]

To the 4th hee saieth That hee hath heard and beleeveth that the
sayd shipp the Saint Andrewe after shee carried backe to Ginney againe
and after shee had gotten her ladeinge there in her returne or passage
there hence homewards for London in respecte
which [?XX] had [?XXX] at [?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]
which laye in waite to take her and partely for that the wyne
somewhat s[?X]ssed her shee did put onto Saint Thoma againe.

And otherwise for his parte hee cannot depose saveing by former
deposition in this behalfe made.

To the 5th hee cannot depose/

To the 6th hee cannot depose/

To the 7th hee saieth that uppon the arrivall of the sayd shippe the Saint