HCA 13/54 f.82v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/54 |
Folio | 82 |
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2017/06/30 |
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sould in the Citty of London for twenty seaven shillings per hundred
weighte and twentye eight shillings
per hundred weighte in readye money at nyne monethes discounte, that is to say abatinge soe much money as the use of the money came
to for nyne monethes, redens racionem scien he sayeth that in the
sayd moneth of December 1635 or January then next followinge this deponent
Mr Samuell Harsenett and partners did buy of Mr John Busfield
of London merchant the quantitye of fower hundred barrells of figgs
or upwards at the prices aforesayd, and that the figgs shipt by the arlate
Craven for his owne accompte from ffaro, are commonly better and will yeild of more by
two or three shillings in an hundred weighte then the sayd Busfields
or any other mans figgs, for that the sayd Cravens figgs are
more trulye packed and better cured the other mens figgs are, which
come from other places, and the reason thereof is (as this deponent hath
heard the sayd Craven saye) because he is present at the curinge and
packinge of them and hath an eye over them that he imployeth in that
behalfe, Et alr nescit deponere
Ad 12us affirmat That in the moneth of Aprill 1636 Richard Piggott
and the foresayd Samuel Harsenett and others of London Grocers
did buy of Mr Waff[?XX], Mr Horne , and Mr Dighton of London
merchant and company ffifteene hundred barrells of figgs and upwards
at eighteene shillings and weighte per hundred weight pence at six monethes instance
which in ready money is not above eighteene shillings per hundred weight
or thereabouts, reddens raconem scien sue in premisses he sayeth that
he this deponent kepte the accompte of the sayd figgs and sawe most
of them weighed and payd part of the money for them, and
that in the sayd moneth of Aprill 1636 the best sorte of figges were
commonlye sould in London at the price aforesayd because the season
for them was past And this he affirmeth uppon his oath to be true.
Et alr nescit depoita.
Super reliquis arlis non examinat ex directione.
William Broughton [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Craven con White/
Samuel Busfield pparochia omnium sanctorum ad murum London in causa mercator
aetats 22 annorum aut eo circiter testis in hac parte productus
iuratus et examinatus.
Ad primum 2. 3. et 4um arlos libelli nescit deponere
Ad 5um affirmat That in the moneth of September 1635 this deponents then
master, John Cornelison Luyqueberger did take to fraighte the arlate
shipp called the ffortune of Dover whereof the arlate John White
was master for a voyage from London to Plymouth and from thence to
Bayon in ffrance and from thence backe agayne to London which voyage
the sayd shipp accordinglye performed, and was discharged of the
homewards ladinge in the porte of London in the moneth of March
then next followeinge. Et alr nescit deponere
Ad 6. nescit deponere.
Ad 7um affirmat That in the moneth of Januarye anno domini 1635
this deponents brother John Busfield of London
merchant did sell a thousand or fifteene hundred
barrells of figgs unto Thomas Browne John Browne and
Samuel Harsenett and others of London Grocers for the some
of twenty eighte shillings per hundred weight at nyne